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Potty training megathread


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We are continuing to get wees in the potty, but no poo. I think she is holding on to it. I am giving her satsumas though, so pretty soon something will happen!


I am doing the naked from the waist down tactic and when she is like that she runs to the potty herself which is really great. She said she didnt want pants on though, so Ive left it.


The next big problem is combining it with nursery. Im keeping her off tomorrow to consolidate the training and then will try monday with some sort of pant. Nursery will help, but when I mentioned it on Wednesday, they didnt know if she had been on the potty or not (staff change over). The potty is in another room across the corridor with the toilet and changing stuff so I think its probably a bit much for her to hang on ATM until someone realises and opens both doors.


If you successfully combined potty training and nursery, please tell me how.

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  • 1 month later...

Reading everyones posts has made me bite the bullet, get out the 3 potties and get him into pants!!!

Literally 1 hour ago!! So far he has had a little trickle in the pants followed by a self initiated huge wee in the potty!! :o


Lots of over the top praise ensued along with a sticker! Was it a fluke?? god knows but once youve started you have to carry on I guess?:rolleyes:

I hope everyone else is having success??:banana:

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Ugh, we're doing it, and I'm not having fun.


We started Saturday and went straight to pants. He never, not once, peed in the potty, but peed himself with monotonous regularity, always saying JUST as he did so -'I need a wee!' lol


Sunday went much the same way except that he did a poo and a pee (oh joy) in the potty and was praised to high heaven and given a toy...and then proceeded to wet himself for the rest of the day.


Monday was different. He decided he wouldn't go at all. I put him in a nappy to go out because I just couldn't face anything else. He peed then, and then when we got home and replaced the nappy with pants, didn't go again until bathtime tht night (in the bath)


Today and tomorrow, thank god, he is with his grandparents, and the onus is on them. Thursday and Friday it's nursery's problem...What's the chance of him being trained by the time I get him back Friday night? :hihi:

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Reading everyones posts has made me bite the bullet, get out the 3 potties and get him into pants!!!

Literally 1 hour ago!! So far he has had a little trickle in the pants followed by a self initiated huge wee in the potty!! :o


Lots of over the top praise ensued along with a sticker! Was it a fluke?? god knows but once youve started you have to carry on I guess?:rolleyes:


Woo congrats!!


My son is 2 in about 2 weeks, I've started trying to potty train him recently. He sits on the potty, voluntarily at times but won't actually do anything yet. He's in pull up nappies and seems to like the idea of pulling them down and stuff, but just wont pee in the potty! I guess all I can do is let him do it when he's ready, I mean he sits on it himself some of the time so he must like it in some way. :cool:

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I was like FootieFreak - I left it until my toddler showed me a sign he was interested. I bought a potty when he was 2 but he hated it so I left it in the bathroom and waited for him to let me know - he was 2yrs and 7months when he decided he'd have a go. And apart from the first couple of days when he wee'd every 6 mins cos he got a sticker when he did a wee - it was relatively easy.


Do ensure your social calendar is pretty empty for the first few days and I think once you start you have to keep going regardless. But it gets easier and easier.

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We started potty training with zachary at 2. We put him straight into pants and used the toilet as we thought why go to the bother of getting him used to a potty and then a toilet. It took about a week to have him dry. We never used pull ups even at night and he has always woken up dry. However I have to wonder if its because he always wore cloth nappies and always had the sensation of being wet

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We are now almost sorted with daytimes. In my OP I mentioned that he wouldnt sit on the potty, now he will only sit on the potty but not the toilet. He is in pants now all the time and pull ups over night. I am really pleased with him and he tells me he wants to go now so it has been easier than first anticipated. :D


We still have a bit of bother when we are out. I was in Tesco the other day and had to do an aisle dash to get to the loos, but it was too late:( We take the potty everywhere, but he is not too comfortable doing it in public or at other peoples houses.

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Ive not posted on here b4 but thought i would join in if nobady minds.

I have 5 children 4 boys and had a girl 18 weeks ago(finally lol).Im potty training my youngest boy at the min,have been for last week he was 2 on 3rd sept 07,he doing really well is great in house goes potty or loo,as we got him a seat for loo but needs help getting on it as he only small for his age(12 months clothes)been putting him a pull up on for his afternoon nap as he has 2 hours sleep but it always dry,aslo a pull up for bed.He fine when bare bottom half but as soon as clothes on seems to forget til it too late.Also has found how to aim it so been a few "up in air"accidents.lol.

Hope you dont mind me joining in you all seem a nice bunch.x

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  • 4 weeks later...

Have had a look through the big potty training thread, but wondered if anyone had any advice for when they're a bit older...My son is just over 3 1/2 and after much procrastinating we've ditched the nappies at start of Easter hols :clap: He goes for a good stretch in between wees, and will wee if asked to sit on toilet or potty, but rarely ASKS of his own accord when he needs to go... Result, he'll stay dry if we stay at home and tell him to sit on potty every hour, but will have accidents otherwise. Any tips (apart from buying shares in Febreeze antibac :gag:)...

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We've been using chocolate bribery on our girls age 2.5, every successful potty or toilet wee or poo results in said child getting a chocolate button. Only one but it perks their interest :) We haven't had a lot of successes yet but they are slowly chalking up and one of them is showing more interest than the other.

Cosy has been working on things with her little cub and probably has more suitable tops as Cosycub is almost 3.

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