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Potty training megathread


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Leave them in nappies till they are 18!


Seriously tho, they boys were great i think i tried 3 times with Jorge who was so not bothered but got the hang after his daddy kept taking him to the loo to show him what big boys did. Charley followed Jorge and wanted to do it too and Laney was trained within a few days but not after me getting the potty out then putting it back again, several times.


All mine have come to the toilet with me and have trained straight to the loo. I think it hard training them to the potty because they dont have a place in their mind which is just for wee wees.


I have never had a potty in the room just a child seat on the toilet :)

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I trained all mine the summer before they turned 3, less clothes and outdoors a lot, They were all dry day and night within a month.I bought Littleboo a potty last week hes 19 months now but he is insistant it is a hat.

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I trained all mine the summer before they turned 3, less clothes and outdoors a lot, They were all dry day and night within a month.I bought Littleboo a potty last week hes 19 months now but he is insistant it is a hat.


LOL at hat :)


We have potties galore and a loo seat too but they prefer the royal potty based on height (and the fun factor with the fanfare when a piddle or otherwise is successfully delivered). They go to the loo with me often... and clap for me :blush: just like I do for them. :D

We've had all the dolls and teddies sat on them etc but they preferred to use the potties for carrying bricks around to new building sites :roll:

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I wish you'd said, Zebra...we have a royal potty unused and unloved downstairs you could have borrowed. He loved all those noises when it was his toys he was depositing in it...as soon as it started ta-da-ing when he sat and peed in it, he found it all a bit disturbing. We had to turn the sound off, lmao.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Apparently some kids are getting to school and still wearing nappies because parents are lazy and nurseries are too busy to take kids to the loo.

I feel bad because my girls are less than interested at 2.5, I'd be mortified at age 7!


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a friend of mines niece is still in nappies at almost 4, this is because her mum is a lazy cow who does not care. she puts a nappy on in the morning and does not change it for hours, its horrible. The poor lass has severe nappy rash and its awful.


I wanted mini out of nappies as soon as so i did not need to deal with the stinkers anymore:hihi: however she does not flush the toilet when she has done a poo just so she can show me it:gag:

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however she does not flush the toilet when she has done a poo just so she can show me it:gag:

That's gros but rather that than the poo in the pants routine I'm getting from twingle2 :gag:

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