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Potty training megathread


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Boys are slower than girls, when they gotta go they gotta go. My boys were late getting dry in the night and one not until nearly 4 1/2.


Plus, I found that relapses of wetting occurred well up until they were 7 years old as they just slept so soundly.


I found no drinks after 6pm, and getting them up when I went to bed and taking them to the loo helped. They would pee still asleep bless them. :P


Edit: plus please don't pressure him to be dry, it can make things worse, he will get there I promise.

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Also - are boys slower than girls at training their bladders? People keep telling me this. It's like he can't control it at all once it starts - stands there in the bathroom shouting "Me wetting myself" with urine leaking out at every angle like he just can't stop it - reminds me of the incontinent old lady in Little Britain. Very strange....


This is just an idea but maybe wetting the bed and feeling wet has sort of set him back and confused him about going before it's too late. I know my boy if he had one accident quite often had another the next day, until (unlike everything says) I make a bit of a fuss about it.

As for the girl thing, my daughter has just turned 2 and is starting to show an interest in the potty but has had a few nights with a dry nappy anyway. Maybe boys just produce more wee!

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This is just an idea but maybe wetting the bed and feeling wet has sort of set him back and confused him about going before it's too late. I know my boy if he had one accident quite often had another the next day, until (unlike everything says) I make a bit of a fuss about it.

As for the girl thing, my daughter has just turned 2 and is starting to show an interest in the potty but has had a few nights with a dry nappy anyway. Maybe boys just produce more wee!


Certainly looked like it this afternoon! A right puddle of piddle and no mistake. Thanks for advice everyone. Certainly I think we need to ease off a bit - me storming upstairs with a mop and bucket isn't helping. Might try the smiley face approach.

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My little un`s the same(he`s 3 1/2, fine during the day but when it comes to night time he has a nappy.

Over the next few weeks I will be banning drinks after 6pm(quite difficult when theres other kids in the house) and making sure I take him to the loo when I go to bed(or as late as poss) hopefully these tactics will work, they did with my others.

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My little boy used to wet the bed up to being 5 years old. We tried absolutely everything, sticker charts, banning bedtime drinks and waking him up when we went to bed. Thing is, he was really embarrassed about it, so we took him to the doctors and got a referral to the continence clinic. They advised against stopping bedtime drinks, but encouraged water only before bed. They also asked him what he would prefer, medicine or an alarm. He chose the alarm himself, which after about a week he was dry every night. He did have a relapse a few months later, but we bought our own alarm off of ebay for £12, and again it worked a treat.


I would say don't worry. He is still very young, I remember the doctor at the clinic telling us that only about 50% of children are dry at night at 5 years old. If you don't get any improvement by the time he is 5ish, pop along to your doctors and get the referral we did. I hope that helps.:)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a lovely boy, but his tantrums are seriously getting me down. I 'think' I know the reason why is that he is still having problems talking & telling me what he wants, etc. (This 'may' be due to slight hearing problem - but that may not be case when re-tested later next month).

However, when I try to hold him & talk to him to calm him down - he goes nuts :rant: at me!

I've tried everything I can think of; shouting, explaining things to him & I am now getting to the point where I just walk out the room or ignore it. He spits, shouts OOOOOOO - well screams it, smacks me (hit me with water bottle last time - blk eye to prove that!!) and is so strong for almost 3 that it takes every bit of my energy.


Anyone, else going/gone through this and any tips, as he's due to start nursery and I don't want him kicked out for bad behaviour after few weeks..... :confused::( Plus any tips on potty training, as I think due to communication problem we seem to have - he refuses to potty train. I've tried taking him with me for wees, had nappy off all day and rushed potty to him when wees, etc. But just refuses. I've left it for weeks then tried again, but will have none of it. HELP.....:o

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My youngest brother (by 16yrs) was the tantruming sort


He never tried anything until he'd figured out exactly how it worked or how it was done. His tantrums were mostly down to frustration (this is reputedly an issue with dog behaviour too, so is actually more common than we might expect)


Leaving him to tantrum to thin air is what the books recommend, but don't let him 'train' you into returning to the room by exhibiting additional bad behaviour


I don't want to worry you, but we're suspicious that 3 out of 4 of us siblings has some form of autism. understanding some of the issues surrounding this and how to deal with them may be of some use to you, even if you don't want him to go through the tests which could leave him with a label


Only one of my siblings was tested, and was identified as 'gifted' - he's the one who's a big language and communication buff, but my other brother mentioned above has always been a complete whizzkid with maths, but wasn't tested


We had a bother getting the language-gifted brother out of nappies - basically because he gets an idea of how things are, and doesn't have room for change in his make up. the younger brother having a big hang up about being the youngest and chomping at the bit to grow up meant the two of them came out of nappies not too far apart considering their two year age gap


Sorry about the rambling, but as ever, I'd say you probably know your child best, so listen with your eyes, and choose which advice really applies to your situation and don't let outside influence colour your view of how things should be for you :)

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My daughter is two(three in january)and she at the minute is driving me crazy lol She screams likes shes being murdered if i dare say no to her having another chocolate biscuit when shes had like eight :? Shes always fighting with her brother she always wants what hes got even if she has the same thing shes gotta have his aswell or she screams blue murder!I always give in cos she does not stop screaming, she doesn't sleep still wakes up all night long for bottles and dvds and she will scream for hours :(

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My son now 4 use to be the same as your son hes only just talking and hes still not amazing and hes only just potty trained, he use to hit me throw trantrums headbut walls etc i never thought he'd be potty trained ever! the thing thats helped him was nursery he goes to a special part of the nursey where they do more 1 to 1 with kids with behaviour problems, lanague difficulties etc oh and I thought they would kick him out apparently hes an angel!

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My daughter is two(three in january)and she at the minute is driving me crazy lol She screams likes shes being murdered if i dare say no to her having another chocolate biscuit when shes had like eight :? Shes always fighting with her brother she always wants what hes got even if she has the same thing shes gotta have his aswell or she screams blue murder!I always give in cos she does not stop screaming, she doesn't sleep still wakes up all night long for bottles and dvds and she will scream for hours :(

donate your biscuit tin to a charity shop and see what happens within the week ;)


Do you think maybe she's on a permanent sugar high? :?

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