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Potty training megathread


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i am wanting to gain advice about potty training.

My little girl has been in her knickers now for about 6 months, and we have absolublty no problem where as having a wee on the potty or the loo is concerned.

but, after a traumatic past with opening her bowels, we cannot get her to go on the potty for a poo.


she suffers with severe constipation and has always taken daily laxatives but has had many very painful experiences. i understand she is scared but i have tried everything i can think of.

the health visitors and doctors have tried to help but there is only so long i can bite my toungue at being told, give her plenty of fluid and she'll relax.


has anyone had a similar experience or have any ideas? it would be much appreciated.



Does she eat fruit ? If she is constipated , I would look at what she eats.My daughter was potty trained well, but my son was a nightmare.


Everytime she went on the potty , she got a little treat and it worked every time.We would give her a clap and say well done and she associated the potty and going on it with a treat.

But I would certainly first look at why she gets constipated. You didnt say how old she is?

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thanks very much for all the suggestions, i will bear everything that you have said in mind, although i have tried the star chart and presents approach.



re : blondebint : sounds like you have the same problem as us, its very reassuring to hear that, perhaps it will just come with time then. thanks very much.



re : espadrille : sorry, never thought to mention her age, she was three in may. we have tried the treats, which didn't work with her unfortunatly. she was quiet a prem baby, so the docs say (they think) she gets constipated because of the use of her bowels before they were ready. it has always been a problem for her, although we do help with her fluid and diet obviously.

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Re: the nappy thing. There was a potty training expert on the TV yesterday morning who said that small children often hang onto their poo because they feel it is a part of them. One thing she suggested was to put them back into pull-ups so they can wee normally in the potty, but if they poo you take the pull-up off, take them and the pull-up to the toilet and empty the poo down the toilet, saying "This is where poo goes". Apparently they begin to learn that they can put their poo directly into the toilet rather than in their nappy.


I have to say I don't have any experience of this yet, but my son signs to me when he wants his nappy changed after he's been. He's in real nappies too, which may help with training. We're being very relaxed and don't have a potty yet (he's 15 months and MIL says we should have one as hers were 'trained by now' and my Mum's like 'let him do it at his own pace, I regret pushing you'). I'm working on getting him to tell me when he's about to poo now, by watching for the signs and then signing to him 'poo?' When he can do that we'll get a potty.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My little lad is 2 and a half, he's had a potty around since he was 1 and he will sit on it occasionally but won't do anything in it. For the last week or so, he's been ripping his nappy off as soon as he's done a wee and refusing to have another one on then consequently weeing on the floor (refusing to sit on his potty!) We have tried sitting him on the toilet too but he still won't do anything!


Has anyone got any advice as he's costing us a fortune in nappies (it's like he's a newborn again lol), we must be going through 10 a day easily! :help: :help: :help:

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Well, one quick fix may be to turn the nappy around so it fastens at the back...might fox him for a little while?

Or move on to pull ups, as I find them a pain to get on and off kids, lol.

Take him to the potty every half hour come hell or high water and give him praise and chocolate when and if he succeeds in peeing there?


Good luck!

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Make it fun for him to widdle in the right place. Draw a flower on the inside of his potty and tell him he has to wee on it to make it grow. :D


Speaking of which, you can get little balls with funny faces on them to stick in the loo, the idea being that little boys use them for target practice (just remember to remove them before a poo!:gag:)

And I think there are stickers they can hit that change colour/design when peed on.

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Doea he rip the nappy up- can you not re-stick it if it's not dirty? My daughter did this for a while so I got a potty there and she had no interest but one day last week she gave it a go in her own time and now she's in pullups which has been dry for 2 days. I'd say doing it on the potty is around the corner.

Also, maybe have his bottom half undressed in the house and when he starts widdling try and whip him onto the potty with loads of praise, or at least save you a nappy. I think this encouraged my daughter when I caught her about to do a poo and managed to get her on the potty to do it.

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