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Potty training megathread


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Hi all,

I'm also having problems with my three year old's toilet habits but with the poo side of things. He's dry for wee's (in the day time only) and is very good with that side of toilet training but he will not poo on the potty/loo any more. When we first started potty training he would but now he refuses and will even hold onto poos until he goes to bed so he can do them in his nappy. And in the day if he does a poo in his pants, he won't tell us, you have to get a whiff to know! When you ask him if he's pooed he lies and says no! I can totally sympathise with you 0114kitty, i feel as if he's never going to get it and really don't know what to do - i feel like we've tried every approach with him; the 'oh dear' approach, disapointed, angry, calm, threats of loosing favourite toys etc but nothing works.

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We had the poo reservation with one of our twins and with her chocolate bribery worked a treat. We bought lots of chocolate coins leading up to last Christmas and doled them out after the necessary toilet trips. It worked well.

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I've tried bribery with stickers, chocs, trips to the park and even with new toys but he just won't go for it! I think we might be best to give him a break, take the focus off poo totally for a while and make a fresh start again in a couple of weeks. Not sure what else to do! Nightmare!!!

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They'll do it in their own time.

None of mine would poo in their potty. (My neice is having the same problem with her daughter now). They would go to the cupboard and get their bedtime/pull-up pants and insist on doing it in those. (Im thinking the reason behind the potty thing is that it might be a little uncomfortable for some kids to sit hunched on the potty and they would rather stand up?)


What I used to do, was, take off the pants and take my child with me to the toilet and explain to them, as I emptied the poo in the toilet, that this is where we have to put/do poo's. Then just tell them that big girls/boys sit and do poo's on the toilet and it's VERY clever!!! :) I also bought one of those toilet seats, that slot under the big seat, to make them feel secure.....and I made a huge fuss, telling them that this was their own special seat!! Woop woop! :D

It might take a while, but it worked for me....and my neice's daughter! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know how you are feeling.


My 3 year old son is mostly dry, on holiday in Tenerife last week he was dry all week & then yesterday had 2 accidents, I think like PP have said that they get involved in playing & forget/havent got time to go:rolleyes:


I am just trying to let it go & not get too upset with him, hard at times as it can be frustrating.

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hi there your son cane be too busy playing with toys and other children but you never no try asking him simple questions that he would understand and see if he is being picked on because it could be down to fright or worry you never no and good luck to you.

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  • 2 months later...

My son is 3 on tuesday and when we're in the house he has no bottoms on and wee's in his potty. (it's a big potty where you can take the bit they wee in out to empty it) Well he actually take the middle on and holds it and wee's in it, lol

The problem is when he wants a poo he asks for a nappy and when we put him pants on he wee's them.


Any advice so i can get him fully potty trained to goto nursery?



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just persavere and just keep asking the little guy if he needs a wee when he has his pants on these accidents will slow down to nothing and will be a big boy soon dont rush or push as this could nock him back praise is a good thing when he goes i used to get my little boy a book to look at when he was on the potty as some times he would forget his worries about doing number 2s while looking in the book lol but praise and time will do it lol ur little guy will do it when he feels ready and secure in doing so :)

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Have you tried a reward chart or sticker chart? Our local post office sells them but I made my own and let my son pick the stickers himself. When he had a good day and got all his stickers he got to chose a goody out of a bag - I wrapped up some small treats like choc buttons, little toys, crayons etc. He was toilet trained within a fortnight and when he started nursery at 2.5 he was in normal pants. He was dry overnight by 3.

Good luck, it's not easy but this worked for me.

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