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Potty training megathread


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Writing it down-this now seems a bit cruel but: I bought my daughter a toy she really wanted and put it on the mantel piece, and told her she could only have it when she pooed in the potty. It worked! We then limited the treat to 1 sweetie per poo (she isn't allowed sweets normally). She needs no incentive now.


Still working on the dry at night though.

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I don't have any advice I'm afraid but just to let you know that you're further on with it than me! My son is 3 in April and has never done anything on the potty or toilet. He is completely uninterested. I've been waiting until he is ready, but I have to admit I have started to wonder when that might be!!!

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I don't have any advice I'm afraid but just to let you know that you're further on with it than me! My son is 3 in April and has never done anything on the potty or toilet. He is completely uninterested. I've been waiting until he is ready, but I have to admit I have started to wonder when that might be!!!


My daughter was terrified to even sit on a potty until a bought her the singing fisher price one.

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Aww they'll get there! My youngest is 3, and just started nursery - in nappies! She's fine in the house, and will tell me when she wants to sit on the potty etc, but she won't do it while we're out.

Nursery are going to work with her when shes confident enough to ask, as shes very shy usually.

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The good news is my son was nearly 3.5 when he was ready...but within two weeks he was completely dry, including at night, and has never looked back. I won't be rushing into potty training my second, either. I hope it's that easy again.

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My little boy was exactly the same! For a long time he'd been using the potty in the house when he had no trousers on but we'd use a nappy if we left the house. He'd usually ask for a nappy when he wanted to poo even though he was quite happy to use the potty for wee's. When he first started doing poo's on the potty he had a few 'accidents' because he ended up weeing over the floor at the same time. It took a few times of getting him to sit that little bit further back on the potty so that he was able to do everything without any accidents and then as he became more confident he asked less and less for a nappy.


We had a bit of a hurdle with the transition from nappies to pants when he left the house but over Christmas he just suddenly decided he'd go out without a nappy. I'm very much in favour of gently encouragement and letting them do things at their own pace. He still has a nappy on at night and at the moment i'd rather that than wet sheets but come the summer we'll probably see if we can get him dry at night.

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I would say don't rush it. My little boy was 3 in October and i didn't potty train with him till December. We had tried a few months earlier but he didn't seem to know when he needed to go and would wet himself. The only solution was me taking him to the toilet every 30 mins or more frequently and even then we still had accidents.

This time we have had very few accidents and he has been at nursery a week with no problems. So don't rush your little one-when they are ready they are ready!

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I second some of the opinions on here, I tried with my little on at about three, he wasn't ready and got incredibly stressed about it. Left it for a month and all of a sudden - he did it! I think a big part of training successfully is waiting til they are ready.

And ignore the people that brag about their child being clean and dry at two or whatever.... this is just another example of people and their "special genius" children!

Oh.... and one last thing.... my little lad thought it was incredibly funny to have a race with his dad and see who could finish first in the loo if you get my drift!

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Thanks, lol. That sounds a good idea, races in the bathroom! Yes, I was worried he was behind but a lot of people have said (esp with boys) that they were 3 when they were potty trained.

Thanks everyone

ps we've got him pulling down his trousers now for a wee but not managed to get him to do a poo on the toilet or potty yet.

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