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Potty training megathread


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The nursery my son is at now takes children from 2 so they are used to nappies etc. The one he will go to in Sep is one attached to the school he will attend and only takes children the term after their third birthday. They only take toilet trained children. I think if a child had a disability then they would have to accomodate them in nappies but otherwise they don't. I'm not sure on the law but from what I've heard it's quite common for nurseries which only take children 3+ to refuse to have them in nappies.


I agree about waiting until children are ready but I also think it's hard to know when that is. I think I could have waited and waited with my son and he would have taken a very long time to use the potty as why bother when you have a nappy on. It took putting him in pants to get him to use the potty and to allow him to get the sensation. I think just putting them in pants is useful and if after a few days there is no progress, wait and try again another time. The fact that my son was dry (day time) in less than 2 weeks suggests to me that he was ready but I wouldn't have discovered that without putting him in pants.

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Maybe your child just isn't ready yet?


There's a lot of different advice, but many friends and books said, don't push it, just try every month or so and when they're ready they'll go for it. That worked for mine, and it wasn't till she was about 3 and a half.


Some of her friends learned a lot younger, but it's not a race... and when she did go for it, it was really easy, only a very few accidents, and pooing and weeing equally straightforward.

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My DD loved her potty at one bit she would tell us when she wanted to do a wee wee or a pooh pooh and we got her potty and she'd sit on it but then she became poorly and now doesn't like it. So I am leaving her a little while longer and I will try her again in the summer. Go at your child's pace.

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  • 1 month later...

hi, our 3yr old son has been going to the toilet now for 6weeks, also dry at night, but this last week he has been weeing his pants, weeing on the floor and basically anywhere other than going to the toilet. i dont want to put him back in nappies, anyone had simular situation, and any ideas as to wot we do.

many thanks


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  • 3 weeks later...

hello folks,


i'm just looking to hear a few "honest" opinions on when's best to start!


i have googled potty training and to me the accounts just seem to be one big parenting competition! one person is potty training a baby of 7 months!!


my LO is not my first, but it's been 10 years and i feel a little rusty :), any advice appreciated.





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I dont think theres a time. Its more like, when theyre ready to do it.


My son is 2 and half, and is fuly potty trained. Yes, we have accidents but nothing serious. My niece was 3. I have a friend whose child is 5 in 3 weeks and still has night pants on.


So in my view, there isnt an age to go by, :)

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My daughter is 13 months and my first. I think im going to buy a potty soon and just let her see it and show her what it is for. If she shows no interest I will leave it for a few months and try again. Only when she seems interested I'll make a start.

No idea if my idea will work but I suppose everything is trial and error.

Im also just going to buy a basic one first no point in spending money on an all singing flashing lights one if the basic one works.


May I ask how old your LO is and what your thoughts are as to how your going to do it?

May give me some ideas.

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many thanks gina :)


@ jenz, my LO is almost 21 months (a little boy)


i have also got a potty already, with the same thoughts as you! although i'm not planning on making a "move" until after the summer hols.


i'm thinking of trying for a day or 2, if he's not interested, leave for a month and repeat :)

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