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Potty training megathread


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when my sister in law was struggling with potty training her two girls they were doing the exact same things as your son


in the end we got a calender and some gold sticky stars and every time they used the toilet/potty they got star on the date on the calander and at the end of the week if they had more then say 8 stars they got a treat only a small treat a day out some sweets a book ect ect but it worked it took a while but it did work



good luck its not easy :thumbsup:

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my son never used a potty he was scared of it and of being nappy free, i am a great believer in 'when they are ready' he turned 3 and with lots of encouragment and praise he just started using the toilet and said he wasn't wesring nappies as he was a big boy, he's only ever has 2 accidents none at night. Nursery really helped watching all the other kids weeing and pooing ect.

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mini sav is potty training, i not pushing her, just leave her with pants and potty out. she has accidents and i dont say bad or anything, just show her potty. she is coming on a treat and will be letting nursery take over soon.

just let him take it as his own pace, i introduced the potty about a year ago (she is just 2) and not forced her, he will let you know when he is ready by asking for it

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my son never used a potty.. i am a great believer in 'when they are ready' he turned 3 and with lots of encouragment and praise he just started using the toilet.. Nursery really helped


Seconded! At two its very possible he is just not ready yet - who decided it was time to 'potty train' - was it him, or you? :)



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:help: my son has just turned 2 and im trying to pottytrain him but he is having none of it. i have tryed everything when we first got the potty he used it for the first 2 days every time but then nothing its like hes scaired of it.same as the pants. i got him pants with footballs on them cause he loves football and he wouldnt wee in them but afted about 3 days just started weeing in them. he knows when hes going to do it because he would rather bring me a nappy than sit on the potty. iv tryed taking him to the toilet as well but no i just cant think of anything eles. :help:


Its very early days. Give him a bit longer. They are all different. We didnt get there with my grandson until he was 3. By that time he was old enough to understand rewards etc and we made him a sticker chart which was very effective. I tried the book which states you can potty train in a week (is it Gina Ford or somebody). The underlying ideas are ok but you cant do it in a week.

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I left potty training with my lad until he was about 2 and a half (maybe a bit older) I think leaving it that bit longer, he was able to understand more what I wanted him to do and once we decided that we were going for it, it took exactly a week and he was completey dry through the day. Don't fall into the trap of training pants - I think they just prolong the process and act as a 'safety net'. Accidents happen obviously but they soon learn! Patience and lots of praise works wonders. Mine was dry through the night as well 6 weeks later. Try to remember they are all different and it isn't a race who's kid gets there first! We all get there in the end! I have a daughter who will be 2 in Feb and to be honest I haven't given potty training her a thought yet. I don't see the rush - I think I will let her guide me, she's quite forward for her age and I'm convinced she'll probably let me know when she's ready.

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I'm having a mare with one of my twin girls

She will not poo on the toilet or a potty .....

I've been buying nappies now for 3 1/2 years Heeeelp !!!!!

She will wee on the loo/potty but not poo not a chance and If i don't let her poo in a nappy she holds it in ....:(

I've tried everything , charts , gifts , chocolate , stickers, santa not coming ....I'm at a loose end :loopy:

Even her twin is offering her toys to make her go LOL:D

Any advice ????

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dont worry, my eldset(a girl) was 2 just, yet my eldest boy was 3, he didnt like pants either so i let him go commando. my other son is 2 he pee's in the toilet but still does the other in his pants. not to worry though he will grow out of it soon i'm sure:D

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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys

I have a 2 1/2 year old son that we keep on trying to potty train with little success.

I have tried everything i can think of, bribery, praise and nothing works.

As soon as i realise he needs to go, i whip the potty under him and he cries and screams and refuses to go. As soon as i let him off he stands and pees.

(Just as well i've not put the new carpet down yet).

I'm out of ideas.

He is starting school later this year and of course they won't have him if he isn't trained.



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