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Potty training megathread


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I'm also potty training twins. We've been having bribes to sit on the potty with chocolate and tv which works pretty well and then we go all out if they wee on the potty. We've also put them in knickers during the day which although there are accidents is increasing their bladder control no end. They can go 2.5 hours easily without having a wee now so it's a head in the right direction.

I read somewhere that using proper pants or knickers means they get wet and it makes them uncomfortable, hence they are more aware and les slikely to want to wet themselves, it certainly seems to be the case with ours.

No more advice yet, ours are 22 months and we really hit as of Thursday last week.

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hi, thanks for that as first days go its been pretty successful..he was fantastic he has stayed dry all day and wee weed on the potty everytimes, she wet her pants twice this morning but towards the afternoon was dry.. so really pleased, there at nursery tomorow for the afternoon so hope it carries on like today.


hope it carries on well for you all.



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  • 3 weeks later...

hi wow you were up early a half 5 post im lucky enough to only see 1 of those and its not the morning one.

its going really well thanks am really pleased with how they have both done. we have the odd accident when there giddy and excited but thats to be expected. he took to it better than she did which was quite suprising cos shes the one who is always the 1st to do things.

we've had the odd 'ive pooed' followed by a chuckle after but thats mainly her (they say girls are quite dirty) i know my older daughter definetely is.


claire x:)

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