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Potty training megathread


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Im just starting what I know will be the long haul of potty training. Freya was 2 in November so it now seems like a good time. Anyone else embarking on this so we can compare notes?


At the moment I am just sitting her on the potty every hour and praising her, but keeping it low key. I have started with the dreaded pull ups as we are carpetted in every room but the kitchen. I plan to buy some of those washable training pants to try. I already have some normal pants but of course the wee goes straight through them and it upsets her when her legs get wet. She hasnt done anything on the potty yet though. I have chocolate coins and stickers at the ready!!!

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My niece learnt that poo was 'roo roo' and she has just turned 2, (9th Jan). She knows when it's going to come, so dives to the toilet. But if shes not near the toilet and closer to the potty she goes to that. 9 times out of 10... it's FAR too early for her to actually go. And she 'pumps' instead then it 'tinks' (trumps and stinks) :hihi: My sister hasn't botherd with pull ups or anything like that. Shes going to wait until shes learnt to control her wee first. Lots of people have told my sister that pull ups do confuse children. And also, when you're potty training, my sister started and then when she went out put a nappy on. This confused my niece, so my sister had to brave it and go out with no nappy on. My niece stayed dry that day! But still... my niece needs a nappy on. Especially at night.

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We are at this horrible stage with our son who is 3 in April. He hates the potty (says in hurts his bum) it is a bit hard, so we have cancelled that and gone with the big toilet with a soft seat from Tesco.


So far we have managed to get him to sit on it, he was terrified at first he kept saying "my bum is too small". I have bought a Pooh Bear poster and stickers and pinned them on the wall next to the loo and he gets to stick one on when he is on the toilet.


This is as far as we have got, when he is sat on the loo he says "I cant do a wee, want to get off", so we are not pushing it, just telling him he is a big boy for sitting on it.


He is using pull ups so that it is easier for pulling them down when we are in the bathroom.


He has watched me and we wave bye bye to the wee wee and he flushes the toilet and washes and drys his hands with mummy.


thats as far as we have got.:hihi:


edited to say we have tried him with normal pants to run around the house, he just wets himself and isnt bothered by it. He doesn't tell me when he is wet.

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I am also psyching myself up to starting Ben (2 in October 07) on the potty. At the minute he sits on it for one sec then puts it on his head! Hmmmm:loopy:


My eldest son started potty training when he was 2 yrs and 4 months, the first week was out my hands as he was at nursery 3 days and then had one day with his nan. The nursery were brilliant (children 1st) they trooped 4 who started at the same time to the potty every 10- 30 mins, at first we had about 4 changes of clothes for 4 days and then by the end of the 1st week he had pretty much caught on to what was needed. By end of week 2 he was dry during the day (90% of the time).


A little tip that worked for us though was that he only wore those pull up nappies at bedtime. During the day it was big boy pants, it seemed that because he had a nappy on he would wee in it because he knew he could (laziness I guess) but he hated wetting his pants!! They soon hate that yucky feeling in their special new pants (& trousers, socks and shoes!!)


Its just a case of accepting you are going to have a wet few weeks and keep out the potty (or 3 in our case) and keep asking them if they need a wee every 20 minutes or so.


We bought one of those huggies boxes for startign potty training, it has a mat to go under the potty which kept him amused learning the letters and colours and also a special star chart for rewarding successes!! He actually learnt his alphabet from sittign on the potty!


God I've waffled on some sorry about that, its just a subject I know i am going to have to face again, only this time theres no childcare!!!!:shocked:


Good Luck!!!

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We started my son on the potty but he liked the toilet better so we skipped the potty in the end and went straight to toilet training. (He is now 2 and 7 months)


We basically let him run around the house for a few weeks with nothing on and took him to the bathroom every hour to see if he needed to go. Once he got the hang of it we put pants on him, but he thought it was some form of nappy so he started weeing himself again. But he soon caught on to the fact that its not very nice been wet and started asking to go to the toilet. It was the same with his poo's. He had many many messy accidents, but if you stick with it, they soon get the idea. I used to watch the expression in his face. If he looked like he was "going" I would dash him to the loo and let him carry on there. With regards to going out, we waited until he was a little more confident with asking to go to the loo, and then bit the bullet and took him out. He had a few accidents but thats ok as long as you have a towel in your car, change of clothes etc. You just have to go for it. It took my son around 5 weeks to be where he is now (fully dry in the day and no accidents). The night time is a different story though!


You always seem like they will never get there, but they do. Before you know it, its another milestone achieved and you are moving to the next one.


Hope this is of some use and good luck!

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Christ, we tried our DD @ 14mths and she was terrified, we got her a hard potty from mothercare and sat her on it, she screamed the house down... I don't under any circumstances, expect her to start using it yet, just to get her used to it, may be worth trying them softer seats that go over the toilet but surely this defeats the object as she is to small to climb on the toilet herself when she needs it...

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We've just done the potty training thing (She's been dry since October and it took 2 weeks from start to finish during the day. Then 6 weeks to be dry at night as well) She will be 3 next month and I purposely left it until later to train her. I have friends who have started training when their kids have been just over 2 and it's taken them months to get their toddlers dry. I just think sometimes leaving it that little bit longer makes it easier and less stressful in the long run as they then 'know' (being that little bit older) what you are expecting from them. I also went straight from nappies to pants and left out the training pants - in my experience with my first, it just confused him. Speaking of my first son, I trained him at 2 years 8 mnths and he was dry in 1 week (7/8 weeks at night also.)

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