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Proposed gay night at The Basement - what are your thoughts?


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I realy don't see the point of you having a gay night if the barstaff, and the customers are going to be freaked out by gay people, you'd be better off not having gay people there in the first place, that avoids all the problems.


You didn't answer the question as to how you would cope with two blokes snogging (assuming thats going to be allowed), would they get kicked out ? Would any of your straight customers who were "offended" be kicked-out ? What if a fight broke out ?


FFS, what don't you grasp.


Wether someone is gay or straight, work in a club or in an office. All im seeing is people that are stero typing gay people, jeez give it a rest. If i got refused entry into a club because it was a "gay" night and because I look straight, first thing I would do was report the club for discrimnation. Secondly where the hell did the "get freaked out" come from.


Are you so damn bloody retarded that you can't read.


Why don't we all just be stero typical and be like how every so called gay person thinks a straight person his and be homophobic. FFS this is the 21st centuray got out of the damn closet, your that far in it. You are now officially called NARNIA


Try and go back and read over what I have written and then read it again and again and again and again, do you get the concept as of yet.


Now seeing as I've answered both your comments several times, without even mentioning them here and way before you posted. Why don't you come up with a better argument about why your being the way you are.


@Chox Like I said to you, you are the prime exsample of why society can't accept gay people. You have an attitude that stinks and it seems to be not only towards gay people but also straight people.

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Mapadale, dont be puit off by this post's hikacking by naysayers. The last people to come on asking for feedback had this as well, and they disappeared never to be heard of again. Our loss- those of us who want a variety of places to go. Options. Choices. Am i in an exclusively gay club mood, or do i wanna hit town and take my straight couple mates too, do i want trendy sophistciated environs or grungy rock, do i want to camp it up or have a bit more of an indie/ 'gay alternative' night?


You go for it. Build it and they will come. Some of 'they' anyway. Then some of those will stop coming. And then others will come. And some of 'they' will slag you off on here non stop, but jeepers creepers life's too short!


I'm all in support of new venues, but i do think that mapadale, like adam1bar of FAB, hadnt ought to get drawn into the petty squabbling on here, least of all name calling potential customers or friends of customers etc, no more than in a debate about a new tesco that you would get a tesco manager coming telling people objectinbg that they are retarded etc. Rise above! Look back to the earlier pages where people had lots of constructive comments. Concetrate on running the business not winning over the forum 'troll's

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Mapadale, dont be puit off by this post's hikacking by naysayers. The last people to come on asking for feedback had this as well, and they disappeared never to be heard of again. Our loss- those of us who want a variety of places to go. Options. Choices. Am i in an exclusively gay club mood, or do i wanna hit town and take my straight couple mates too, do i want trendy sophistciated environs or grungy rock, do i want to camp it up or have a bit more of an indie/ 'gay alternative' night?


You go for it. Build it and they will come. Some of 'they' anyway. Then some of those will stop coming. And then others will come. And some of 'they' will slag you off on here non stop, but jeepers creepers life's too short!


I'm all in support of new venues, but i do think that mapadale, like adam1bar of FAB, hadnt ought to get drawn into the petty squabbling on here, least of all name calling potential customers or friends of customers etc, no more than in a debate about a new tesco that you would get a tesco manager coming telling people objectinbg that they are retarded etc. Rise above! Look back to the earlier pages where people had lots of constructive comments. Concetrate on running the business not winning over the forum 'troll's

superbly put
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superbly put


Yes, well it's all well and good saying "I just we people not stereotypes" but if guys are going to get booted out for snogging (still no definate answer on that question) or trying to chat up the "straight" barstaff then are you supeised that gay people are a bit suspicious or even having second thoughts about going ?


P.s. I prefer "mixed" places, but properly mixed places not places where I'm just tollerated


P.s.2 I'm not retarded

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you are the prime exsample of why society can't accept gay people. You have an attitude that stinks


So why is it you want queers in your club?


Let's face it - you don't. You'd just like to make some money out of them as long as they aren't too gay for your regular customers and staff. Still, you can apologise to them by calling it 'friendly' or 'mixed' - you wouldn't want to upset anyone after all.


Good luck with your 'night', but frankly its been done and failed time and time again. Your attitude towards you're potential (fat lecherous old gay) punters stinks.


BTW - Back in the day Pink Glove was always a gay night (mostly lesbians from what I recall) and never masqueraded as some sort of mixed metero all inclusive not really too gay honest apologist event.

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Awww crap, I just spilt my tea laughing at the funny homophobe who wants to start a gay night!

Bless 'im! :hihi:


lol, I'm a homophobe now am I. Talk about being way of the mark on that one.


If i was so homophobic, then why is it that my partner is Bi. I'm also Bi and about 70% of my friends are gay. Jeez another one that is so far of the mark, they need to start going the right way around.


All I'm seeing is the same old comment from the same old stero typical gay person, this is what I wanted to stay well clear of. You can't even make you minds up to what it is that you want. First you say you hate all the stero typical gay nights that have come and gone and then the next thing your saying thats what you want.


You know what, lets take the root of most clubs that do now a days.


We will be officialy opening up our very own "MEMBERS" Gay night. So yes you are going to need to be a member first and yes it is closed members only, sorry to all those that where looking forward to an open gay night. The petty idiots here have altered that, lets hope they feel good about themselfs for it.

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I don't want a gay "night" I'd like to think I can come to your club any night and have a good time (without trying to chat-up the barstaff obviously).


p.s. What is a "Man in a dress comedian" ?

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mapadale, I read this thread from the start, and to be honest I thought it was going okay for a while. I love going out and the thought of another venue where I could be comfortable standing at a bar with my hand on my girlfriend's bum was good! But then it all went a bit tits-up when you mentioned that your straight staff don't want to be gayed up by the punters, and I'm afraid it went downhill from there. Your choice of phrasing throughout makes it very clear that even though you don't think you're prejudiced; you actually are!

I'm happy for you that you have 70% gay friends; I bet you think you're not racist either because you have black friends.

Also, when you come here asking what people think of something, whether it's a new hat of a business venture, it's a bit rude to call people petty idiots when you get feedback.

Finally I'd like to thank you for inspiring my new signature; I've wanted to add to it for a while but couldn't think what to put until now.

(Sorry I won't be at your gay night but I'm washing my stereotypically dykey hair that night.)


By the way, since you're 'in business' I feel I ought to point out the correct spelling of the word, as I have spelt it here, and not 'buisness' as you yourself spelt it. I hope this has been of help.

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I would be interested on how to check someones 'gayness' lol maybe there could be a questionnaire or a survey on the door. I mean someone might lie and say they are gay when they are not, maybe you could have someone on the door that is willing to say make out with any potential liar to prove they are gay they would have to kiss them lol.


On the other hand I could apply for a job there as Genuine-Lesbian-Checker on the door... :hihi:

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