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Proposed gay night at The Basement - what are your thoughts?


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i think its a great idea. im not gay but tried to go to dempseys with a mate and didnt get in coz i wasnt a member and they wouldnt let me become a member. so somewhere new where your not judged or whatever would be nice. i think it would become popular and many students would probably take an interest, and students that come to sheffield in the future, as there is only dempseys at the moment

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Okay, I'll answer the points directly, to save time and space:-


No you haven't, otherwise you'd see that we've covered all this stuff already.

Because of course it's just inconceivable that anyone could have read the thread and still disagree with you :rolleyes:


Au contraire, you don't seem to understand that a "gay night" means a night for gay people - not anybody else. Bit like a "Football night" is for er... football. Can't you quite grasp this?

And you reached this conclusion how exactly?


You clearly know nothing about the DIY scene if you think the people behind it are motivated by money.

Don't know if they are or not, but presumably they don't organise these events for charity? But this rather misses the point, doesn't it?

Yet in your ignorance you still so fit to declare that DIY promoters were simply interested in trying ‘to pull-in some poofs too, to make a bit more cash’. As it happens you could hardly be more wrong DIY promoters make nothing off their nights, they do it for the love of music and the scene, after costs all proceeds go the artists.


Because it's just impossible that people might genuinely like different music from you Again you are displaying your ignorance of the DIY scene if you think it's about 'typical Sheffield' stuff.

Again, you patently haven't read what's already been written. I'm well aware that different people like different music (no, really? *gasps*), but you clearly don't appreciate that the majority of people like pop music - that's why it's called pop music. Sorry to disappoint you but it's such a typically Sheffield attitude it's tragic.

As a professional DJ I make it my business to try and maintain an awareness of the kind of music people like, lots of them of course like pop music (though I doubt a clear majority like and want to dance to the stuff you mentioned) thing is lots of people don’t much like it and plenty can’t stand it. The music scene in the UK is incredibly varied which is reflected in the variety of style of music that can be heard in bars and clubs across Sheffield every night, a ‘majority’ of which is certainly not pop.


Has it not crossed your mind that this might be because there isn't as much demand for the type of narrowly defined gay night as you like to think?

Yes, actually it has. Maybe it hasn't crossed your mind that what I've described is not a "narrowly-defined gay night" but simply a "gay night" instead of the variety of thinly-disguised straight nights which like to dress themselves up as being gay when, by definition, they're clearly not.

Right so in a previous post you didn’t declare that:


It needs a few drag queens, some half-decent looking dancers to look at (it's called "eye candy" and it needs a mix of pop music pure and simple. That means chart stuff and music that people recognise and want to dance to. It specifically does not mean ragga, high nrg, or, God-forbid, a dance version of "nine til five" (Dempseys favourite floor-clearer). Thing is, pop music is called pop music because it is precisely that.


All very well for the sneering "trendies" to claim that we want indie stuff, progressive house or any other fancy stuff but it's simply not true. There's nothing worse than a DJ trying just that little bit too hard to be cool. You only have to carefully watch a dance floor to see what gets people putting their drinks down to dance. It's not the "cool" stuff; it's Kylie, Girls Aloud, even (dare I say it) Steps! It's incredible to see how people will wrap themselves in knots to avoid this very clear fact which can be verified by simply watching how a crowd reacts.


That certainly sounds like a rather narrow definition to me, and contrary to your later claims goes well beyond simply wanting a gay only door policy.


The reason why there has been no decent night in Sheffield along the lines I've mentioned, for many years, is because nobody has tried running one - it's that simple. It's almost as if people in Sheffield are terrified of running a straightforward "gay night" and they'll wrap themselves in knots to do anything but that - and then they wonder why they all inevitably fail. The only place that even comes close to this popularist mentality is Climax which, despite it's faults, manages to survive... go figure...

Haven't answered my question but simply restated your previous assetions with slightly different wording. Seeing how much the absence of a 'proper' gay night aggravates you, if you're that certain you're right then put one on yourself? Promoting nights isn't difficult, especially not is as you seem so convinced theirs this vast untapped demand out there, you should be able to make a fortune, whilst resurrecting a scene you seem very fond of. Why not go out and do something positive instead of harranging other people for failing to do things exactly as you'd like?

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I'm not haranguing anyone - just offering a reality check in exchange for the garbage that is being spewed-out on this thread.


It's like this - you can witter-on as much as you like about the virtues of indy nights, mixed nights, door policies, music policies, or anything else. I've said my piece and if you (and a few other people) are too blind to see what I'm saying is true, then that's your problem, not mine.


The basic fact of the matter - if you ever bother to ask the preferences of other people (and not just your circle of friends) is that the vast majority of people (quite understandably) expect a gay night to comprise mostly of gay people. You'd think that would go without saying but it seems a few fools on this thread can't even grasp that obvious point.


Same applies with music - we all know that there are people who want to listen to less-mainstream stuff but the simple fact is that the majority don't - they want pop music - that's why it's called pop music. It beggars belief that some people on this thread would even try to suggest otherwise.


It's really that simple. But if a few people seems to want to disregard these obvious points (and others) it's not my problem - I wouldn't be stupid enough to start a night like this, knowing full well it will fail. I've pointed-out some glaringly obvious points but if you think I'm wrong, or if (as often seems to be the case) you want to convince yourself otherwise, then go ahead. It's going to last a couple of months if you're lucky so if you think I'm wrong, by all means forge ahead regardless. It's your money you're wasting, not mine.

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FFS, what don't you grasp.


Wether someone is gay or straight, work in a club or in an office. All im seeing is people that are stero typing gay people, jeez give it a rest. If i got refused entry into a club because it was a "gay" night and because I look straight, first thing I would do was report the club for discrimnation. Secondly where the hell did the "get freaked out" come from.


Are you so damn bloody retarded that you can't read.


Why don't we all just be stero typical and be like how every so called gay person thinks a straight person his and be homophobic. FFS this is the 21st centuray got out of the damn closet, your that far in it. You are now officially called NARNIA


Try and go back and read over what I have written and then read it again and again and again and again, do you get the concept as of yet.


Now seeing as I've answered both your comments several times, without even mentioning them here and way before you posted. Why don't you come up with a better argument about why your being the way you are.


@Chox Like I said to you, you are the prime exsample of why society can't accept gay people. You have an attitude that stinks and it seems to be not only towards gay people but also straight people.


Mapadale, I'm so sorry that a very small minority of the LGBT community, as usual, take it into their own minds to try and pick a fight over issues such as minor details of how this or that club is run; I've had it up to here myself about how my innovative style of performance doesen't conform to a 'Gay' stereotype.

Well said, Craigpugh, for your response.


BTW, is there any more news on the new nights at Basement, and will they be still twice a week? I'd be keen to share some ideas and suggestions for making your Gay night a highly original experience which will stand out from the crowd...

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Well if you'd rather accept the views of the same "small minority" of people that have posted comments on here that's fine - it's your club night and your money you'll be wasting. Personally I don't have any axe to grind; it's of no consequence to me or my friends whether you churn-out the same old "non-gay gay night" that everybody else has tried. Believe what you like - I've merely tried to explain that you might be making some very foolish assumptions about what gay people want - based on the comments of a few people.


I think I can safely say that I've got a much wider view of things, having worked full-time and part-time in gay media (and I don't mean producing some local newsletter either), so I know what people say and people think on a wider level - not just the very personal views that get expressed on forums. If you choose to accept the oft-repeated notion that the majority of gay people want a night which is essentially a "straight" night with a few gay people in it then that's fine. Likewise, if you seriously think that the majority of gay people want "indie" music (not pop) or something that "isn't camp" and so on, then the same applies - that's your choice of course. My point is that it just won't work. It's good for a couple of weeks maybe but I can assure you that it will go the same way as the countless other nights that have been and gone.


Make no mistake - you can listen to the babble and the cliches about providing "something different" (different to what though, I don't know) and you can listen to the rubbish about how we all supposedly want to share a venue with a mix of happy, attitude-free people of all persuasions, and so on. It's an old argument which, in practice, just doesn't work. That much you can't even argue about - I've got history on my side to support that point. That's why every night ultimately fails. There's a very simple and unavoidable fact which you need to address; a gay night means just that. You might decide to dress it up with all manner of euphamisms but ultimately that's the key point and the majority of gay people just won't want to know. Make your choice but don't be surprised if (or should I say when) we're a few months ahead and the night has been and gone - another victim of the same old attitude that has plagued Sheffield for years.

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i think its a great idea. im not gay but tried to go to dempseys with a mate and didnt get in coz i wasnt a member and they wouldnt let me become a member. so somewhere new where your not judged or whatever would be nice. i think it would become popular and many students would probably take an interest, and students that come to sheffield in the future, as there is only dempseys at the moment


They wouldn't let you become a member?! :o Did they give you a reason? I would kick up a fuss if it was based on your sexual preference! I might try and join - I want a gay card :D

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jeeper creepers folks. the guy is wanting ideas on what kind of gay night we want. he's not the enemy. he's part of the solution, not part of the problem!


the two tiny mistakes have been rather clumsilly making the point about not putting up with sexual harrassment of the staff. This is right, but anyone working a gay night needs to be hang up free and not see being chatted up by someone of their non-preferred gender as more of an issue thatn h=similar harrassment by their preferred gender.


secon has been rising to the jibes on here. As i said before, others have been hounded out before. I do get a bit wary when new forum users appaer and wade right in to several threads hijacking the discussion with a stream of negativity.


This guy mapadale wants to see how his business can meet our needs. I think the message to be gleaned from this discussion is that some of us have given constructive input (including please make sure staff are gay or at least know that any attitude will not be tolerated), while others would rather go elsewhere and so dont need to be catered for in anything you have on offer.


Different gay lesbian and bi people DO want differnt things from a night out. Thank goodness there are people willing to ride out the storm of abuse and set these things up.

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Is Mapadale around to give any more details about his plans, and how those of us seriously interested in helping his night be a success can meet up with him?


A night on Wednesdays and Fridays would be fine by me, as I already have an official drag slot at another venue on Tuesday nights.



Do get back to us soon, Mapadale.

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