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Proposed gay night at The Basement - what are your thoughts?


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Though there shall only be one ruling within the club and thats with regards to staff being intimidated by people "trying" it on with straight staff.


I assume you mean gay men "chatting-up" the straight bar men, could I suggest you get them t-shirts with "I'm straight" or "I'm no puff" or "Back-off homo" if it's going to be a problem for them ?


This I won't tolerate and any complaint comming from staff will cause that "indevidual/S" to be perminetly barred from the premise.


I assume from this you'll just be taking the bar staffs word for it ?


I think most gay people will be glad to be barred from the premises if this is an indication of your attitude towards them.


As I said earlier, it's just a "Wednesday night is a slack night, lets get the puffs in, but I don't want to see or hear about anything gay going on" exercise.


Good luck, my pink pound won't be crossing your bar.

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I assume you mean gay men "chatting-up" the straight bar men, could I suggest you get them t-shirts with "I'm straight" or "I'm no puff" or "Back-off homo" if it's going to be a problem for them ?




I assume from this you'll just be taking the bar staffs word for it ?


I think most gay people will be glad to be barred from the premises if this is an indication of your attitude towards them.


As I said earlier, it's just a "Wednesday night is a slack night, lets get the puffs in, but I don't want to see or hear about anything gay going on" exercise.


Good luck, my pink pound won't be crossing your bar.

Thats not my attitude in anyway, my attitude is that my staff will be there to do a job and any form of sexual harasment won't be allowed. Wether this be from gay/straight people. Yes there is that slight banter that you do get from customers, to which all staff will be aware.


But I'm sorry if i offend people by saying that I won't allow my staff to be sexually harrased by people. I've been there, done that and bought the T Shirt to go with it and I'm sorry to say. Telling someone that your straight and not intrested in the slightest never works.


I want a safe enviroment for not just the customers, but the staff as well. If for any reason a member of staff does say that they are being harrased, for what ever reason. I would speak to that person and ask them not to do it in futre, before barring them from the premise. As for being a wednesday night filler, we are not looking at it on a wednesday. But are looking at a main night, which at the momnet stands as a friday.


As for staff weraing T shirts to ward people off, this can cause problems and has done in the past with venues that have followed that line. A warning before hand is the best policy and people take head of it before hand.


We will have a lax attitude in the club, but things have to be followed to gain that lax. If not then people get out of line and cause problems. Which by the way if a member of staff did report sexual harrasment and we did nothing about it, we could end up in court for it ourselfs. So its called protecting all intrests.

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we won't be excluding anyone from the venue on the proposed night... we are not going for the "stero" typical gay night, camping it up on everything. As I've said this will be to cater for everyone and everyone is welcome.



Okay, I think that's as clear as it can be - same old rubbish then. Should have known really. Like I keep saying, Sheffield never, ever changes...

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Okay, I think that's as clear as it can be - same old rubbish then. Should have known really. Like I keep saying, Sheffield never, ever changes...


Hang on why is it the same old rubbish, your slating us before we even open. That is stero typical of you, making a judgement before even seeing what we have to offer.


This whole thread is to find out what people want and what people are looking for.

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Well if you've digested, or at least read anything I've already said, then you'll know why I said that.


It's just history repeating itself yet again. For heaven's sake, you've not even opened the doors yet and you've announced that you won't be doing the usual camp stuff (if only it was usual in Sheffield) which, is the standard euphamism for saying that you want gay people to turn-up, providing they pretend they're in a straight club. Anything camp is a crime. Well no thanks, I'm as hard faced and "butch" looking as it gets (most people say I look like I'm gonna punch 'em!) but if there's some sort of policy against "camping it up" then me and my mates certainly wont be coming. We've seen enough nights like this to last us a lifetime.


You then go further by announcing that the doors will be open to everyone, so that means it's not a gay night at all. How can it be? You're contradicting yourself. There will be nothing on show which is ostensibly gay, and the place will be open to anyone who cares to come in. So by definition, that's not a gay night. Just announcing that it is a gay night without actually doing anything to make it somehow gay is just lazy and vaguely insulting. You may as well call it a Pig Farmer's night and expect pig farmers to turn-up. I'd say that I've never heard anything so ridiculous but sadly I have heard it, time and time again... and then the promoters wonder why people don't come back...


Then to cap things off nicely, you make it clear that your bar staff will not be expecting any interaction with the customers which constitutes harassment. I take this to mean that the bar staff will be straight (heaven-forbid that the bar staff at a gay night were gay) and may as well wear T-shirts saying "I'm straight so don't even look at me, you faggots", by the sounds of it.


How offensive can you get? You expect people to pay good money and turn-up for garbage like this?

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Well if you've digested, or at least read anything I've already said, then you'll know why I said that.


It's just history repeating itself yet again. For heaven's sake, you've not even opened the doors yet and you've announced that you won't be doing the usual camp stuff (if only it was usual in Sheffield) which, is the standard euphamism for saying that you want gay people to turn-up, providing they pretend they're in a straight club. Anything camp is a crime. Well no thanks, I'm as hard faced and "butch" looking as it gets (most people say I look like I'm gonna punch 'em!) but if there's some sort of policy against "camping it up" then me and my mates certainly wont be coming. We've seen enough nights like this to last us a lifetime.


You then go further by announcing that the doors will be open to everyone, so that means it's not a gay night at all. How can it be? You're contradicting yourself. There will be nothing on show which is ostensibly gay, and the place will be open to anyone who cares to come in. So by definition, that's not a gay night. Just announcing that it is a gay night without actually doing anything to make it somehow gay is just lazy and vaguely insulting. You may as well call it a Pig Farmer's night and expect pig farmers to turn-up. I'd say that I've never heard anything so ridiculous but sadly I have heard it, time and time again... and then the promoters wonder why people don't come back...


Then to cap things off nicely, you make it clear that your bar staff will not be expecting any interaction with the customers which constitutes harassment. I take this to mean that the bar staff will be straight (heaven-forbid that the bar staff at a gay night were gay) and may as well wear T-shirts saying "I'm straight so don't even look at me, you faggots", by the sounds of it.


How offensive can you get? You expect people to pay good money and turn-up for garbage like this?


Theres a little law called discrmination and sugesting that the doors are only open to people who are "gay" will in turn cause us grief and most likely get us in one form of another into trouble over it.


The term "campness" is what we are staying away from with the venue, so if you had so rightly read correctly what I had said then you would have understood this and not read between the lines. I've been to so many clubs and worked so many gay nights that have been all camped up and yet you lot are saying thats not what you want and that you are fed up of the stero typical gay night. This is what a high majority of clubs offer and this is what you are saying you are fed up of.


Also why not get me some "gay" barstaff or at least barstaff that are willing to work on a night that is intended for gay people. Cause from my own experience i can say this now, not all straight people enjoy working these nights cause of the constant "sexual harrasment" that is givern. I'm sorry if I seem to be singleing out "gay" people on this and thats not my intention. I'm just stating that its not going to be tolerated, my staff are to work there in a safe enviroment and it would be the same if it was constant harrasment from a straight person. So please get of your high horse on this.


At the end of the day, yes we are wanting to bring a new night in for gay people. But cause your "gay" im not going to single out straight people ether and open the club soley just for your own intentions. Its an open club simple as. This to me is you stero typing straight people and with your atitude over my intentions, this is not on and from what i can read of you. Yes I am going to be stero typical of you, you have the attitude that ive come to love and hate about most "gay" people and thats I want this that and the other or I'm going to spit my dummy out if its not the way i want it.


You can do what ever you want in the club, but certain rules are going to be in place. As ive stated not all "gay" people want some bad breath, ugly looking fat butch bloke chatting them up or harrasing them. So why should my staff.


Try not to put me into the "stero typical" straight person role, cause for one you would be way off the mark with it and for 2 you won't win with me.

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Well if you've digested, or at least read anything I've already said, then you'll know why I said that.


It's just history repeating itself yet again. For heaven's sake, you've not even opened the doors yet and you've announced that you won't be doing the usual camp stuff (if only it was usual in Sheffield) which, is the standard euphamism for saying that you want gay people to turn-up, providing they pretend they're in a straight club. Anything camp is a crime. Well no thanks, I'm as hard faced and "butch" looking as it gets (most people say I look like I'm gonna punch 'em!) but if there's some sort of policy against "camping it up" then me and my mates certainly wont be coming. We've seen enough nights like this to last us a lifetime.


You then go further by announcing that the doors will be open to everyone, so that means it's not a gay night at all. How can it be? You're contradicting yourself. There will be nothing on show which is ostensibly gay, and the place will be open to anyone who cares to come in. So by definition, that's not a gay night. Just announcing that it is a gay night without actually doing anything to make it somehow gay is just lazy and vaguely insulting. You may as well call it a Pig Farmer's night and expect pig farmers to turn-up. I'd say that I've never heard anything so ridiculous but sadly I have heard it, time and time again... and then the promoters wonder why people don't come back...


Then to cap things off nicely, you make it clear that your bar staff will not be expecting any interaction with the customers which constitutes harassment. I take this to mean that the bar staff will be straight (heaven-forbid that the bar staff at a gay night were gay) and may as well wear T-shirts saying "I'm straight so don't even look at me, you faggots", by the sounds of it.


How offensive can you get? You expect people to pay good money and turn-up for garbage like this?

You seem to have a very narrow concept of what a 'gay night' can be, for years many years in Sheffield numerous collectives in the DIY scene have been putting on 'queer friendly' and queercore nights with extremely varied bands and djs. Infact I attended just such an event last Friday which was packed full of people enjoying achingly cool music and the likes of 'Kylie, Girls Aloud, even (dare I say it) Steps' were most certainly not on the playlist, nor did I notice any drag queens.


Aside from the DIY scene the Uni LGB society has been occasional gay nights with a broadly indie playlist for years as well.


As for Mapadales comments about banning people who sexually harass his staff whilst he phrased it rather clumsily, it seems pretty obvious to me that bar staff shouldn't have to put up with sexual harassment from any body regardless of whether or not the customer happens to be of the same gender or not.


When I worked behind the bars in the past on occasion I had to step in to warn off customers who were bothering the barmaids, on occasion I even helped the manager eject them from the premises if they were proved persistent pests. Surely you can't be arguing that staff at gay nights shouldn't have the right to the same kind of protection from unwanted advances?

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But I'm sorry if i offend people by saying that I won't allow my staff to be sexually harrased by people. I've been there, done that and bought the T Shirt to go with it and I'm sorry to say. Telling someone that your straight and not intrested in the slightest never works.


I think you'll find it does - and has for me on many an occasion - not that it bothers me if someone finds me attractive.

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