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Page Hall Shops - History

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I am replying to this with my husbands log in, I worked at buy wise for 3 years back in 1968-1971, I lived on the flower estate so used to walk down Hindhouse lane & then back again what a hill to walk up, I couldn't do it now, me & the girls I worked with used to go to the cannon pub at lunchtime. :D

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I remember the drs, Dr Pettigrew was my Dr also. I remember Mcgreggors shop, was always being sent there when we ran out of anything but as for butchers at pagehall I remember Kramers or Cramers, not sure how it was spelt, used to get bread cakes from there as well as bacon, must have been the pork butchers in that case. One thing I do know about cramers is that my mom went all the way home, as I remember must have been a good 15 minutes walk, maybe more, before she remembered she had left me in my pram outside cramers!! couldnt do that nowadays, I would have been long gone, obviously no one wanted me then....story of my life!! sob sob!!

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I remember Bill Beevers motorbike shop when he first opened it. I think he'd won some race or other on the Isle of Man TT and he opened the shop on the strength of that. He put the 'bike in the window. Didn't have any porn in there then. Or was I just a late developer?

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Next to the natwest bank was a small tobacco/ice cream shop, called balls or walls, then a bookies. Was the hairdressers called sally anne. Siddalls fruit and veg, but didnt they have some kind of plumbing/building company. was there a davys bun shop, and a chemist on there.

I was a paper boy for underwoods from 74-78

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I remember the buses fondly. No's 75 and 33 in particular. Then later there was the 20. It seems that whenever I came out there was always one of them coming up/down Firth Park Road. There were also the out of town buses too (can't remember the numbers: 65?) and the 150/151 that went up Barnsley Road.

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oh what was the butchers called opposite corner to the firth park hotel

was down there today and its up for let :( not the butchers :)

they had lovely egg custards and dripping cakes

i had to go for my nannan who lived on robey street

and then the newsagents just on the front there too

and o popple street chip shop , scollops 5 p each

them were the days

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oh what was the butchers called opposite corner to the firth park hotel

was down there today and its up for let :( not the butchers :)

they had lovely egg custards and dripping cakes

i had to go for my nannan who lived on robey street

and then the newsagents just on the front there too

and o popple street chip shop , scollops 5 p each

them were the days


When I lived down there, the butchers was Spinks, next door to that was a newsagent, can't for the life of me remember what that was called, but it was owned by an ex Sheffield Utd player, can't remember his name either.

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I remember the buses fondly. No's 75 and 33 in particular. Then later there was the 20. It seems that whenever I came out there was always one of them coming up/down Firth Park Road. There were also the out of town buses too (can't remember the numbers: 65?) and the 150/151 that went up Barnsley Road.


Dunno about thr 150/151 but there was the 265 Barnsley bus. From town this was pick-up only until it got to Lane Top.

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When I lived down there, the butchers was Spinks, next door to that was a newsagent, can't for the life of me remember what that was called, but it was owned by an ex Sheffield Utd player, can't remember his name either.


I think it was Brian Bradley, he used to have another shop on rushby street which his brother used to run.

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I think it was Brian Bradley, he used to have another shop on rushby street which his brother used to run.


It was definitley Brian Somebody. He used to open at 5:00 am to catch the morning shift-workers on their way to work.


One shop not mentioned was the beer-off on the corner of Barretta street. Kept by an ex RAF officer, whose name I can't recall, and sold draught ale from a hand pump.


And yes the pork butcher's shop was Kramers, perhaps Friedrich's shop was the one at the bottom of Bellhouse. I believe the other butcher's shop at PH was Ashton's which later became Siddall's green-grocers ?

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