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Goth Park Murder last year - thugs found guilty!

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I remember the report of this shortly after it happened, but I had no idea that the details were so horrific. It's impossible to imagine what suffering the couple endured during this attack. To think that Sophie Lancaster was kicked repeatedly in the head, as she tried to protect her boyfriend, and then stamped on. It's one of the saddest and most horrible things I've ever heard.

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I'd love to find these kids and inflict the same kind of treatment on them. I know its not the best way to solve these things, but they need more than putting in a comfy sell with a playstation and sky tv thats for sure

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I'd love to find these kids and inflict the same kind of treatment on them. I know its not the best way to solve these things, but they need more than putting in a comfy sell with a playstation and sky tv thats for sure


well now you can try too - their names have been released - good. (ill find a link later).

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I think its awful and so sad..that poor girl, what a waste of a life


Unfortunately i know of a 13 year old boy that had to move schools because he was bullied so much about his choice of music and the way he chose to dress at weekends...all the poor boy did was like listening to bands like My Chemical Romance

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What makes it even more sick is that the parents of the killers thought it was all hilarious - they laughed and joked when their sons were questioned and laughed and joked in court too. What sick individual would do that?!


Then you look at the video done with a 'yoof' group where one of them is rapping (how predictable) and brandishing a baseball bat. Should youth workers really allow underage kids to pose with weapons?


They were also both doing community service sentences because they'd previously beaten a 16 year old in the very same park.


Apparently that night, the best mate of the guy who was beaten received a phonecall from one of the thugs on the phone they'd nicked off him - telling him that his best mate was lying dead in the park.

well it seems the parents want a f******* good kicking aswell lets see if they think thats funny
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well it seems the parents want a f******* good kicking aswell lets see if they think thats funny


I should think the local community will express some 'strong feelings'. Bacup's a very traditional kind of small town and I don't think anything like that will be taken kindly to.


Incidentally, I'm a bit disgusted that the BBC news chose to headline on 7 minutes of people being delayed getting their suitcases at Heathrow - that's soooo much more important than a crime of this magnitude of horror. Not.

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