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Goth Park Murder last year - thugs found guilty!

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Just read all 3 links. I tend not to watch the news. But stubbled across this thread.


I'm glad I didn't find this bit in the links.....

What makes it even more sick is that the parents of the killers thought it was all hilarious - they laughed and joked when their sons were questioned and laughed and joked in court too. What sick individual would do that?!




Just what goes on in these peoples minds? I read so many books about psychology, and even these don't give me the answers to this sort of behaviour.


How can someone have so much anger towards someone for dressing differently?


The lad will never live with a normal life, knowing his OH died trying to save his life. I feel for him.

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Its a dreadful thing to kill someone just because they are different but attitutes determine the worth of a person.... its sad really.




Thats a totally different perspective- I gave the example of the freedom to dress as you want (when comparing with the hijab) so your comparison is utterly stupid. The fact the white British kids killed the girl for the way she dressed is insane. Some people have a hatred for others who do not conform to THEIR WAY- in America post 9/11 Sikhs were attacked and some killed because they looked like Osama Bin Laden!(turban on head)

Whatever you wear and look like is and should be YOUR CHOICE- But I do stand up for all religion rights(whatever faith) and will do so all the time. The rest is whatever (cult/culture/trends) and some may disprove of it (like the bus driver example with the Goths)..

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I am normally a nice person but I wouldn't mind seeing the lads who did this burn in a fire live on TV with very loud gothic music playing.


Sounds like her Mum wouldn't mind it either:


"I have always been leftie liberal and now I come from the other side and just see it as 'this is how it is'."


In contrast with the Mum of one of the murderers who was laughing throughout the trial apparently.

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When I read about this in the papers I feel like crying. I saw the girl lyng on the hospital bed all beaten up and just to look at her face and the bruising and scars on her face and to think how they were done really really just makes me want to get hold of those b******s who did it and just kick their heads like a football and do what they did to those two beautiful people.


Just because they were dressed different does not give people the right to abuse them. I see goths walking in the street all the time and think that I couldnt dress like that but I then remind myself that its a free country and people should be able to dress like they want and not be judged for it or treated like they are different.


Its so sad and to think they were planning a life together just makes me feel so so sad for them both. That poor girl words dont explain how it makes the public feel that two horrid thugs did this to her and her partner.


I feel like the world has lost one of the most caring kind people and I think that she is going to leave a big big hole in a lot of peoples life. My thoughts go to her family and friends and I just hope that her death has not been in vain. Rest in peace and I know your forever safe now and one of gods angels and watching over your family and partner and friends.


Such a sad sad story and such a sad sad loss, what else can I say words dont and wont ever explain how people feel about this.


love gizzy.

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  • 5 weeks later...

From BBC News:


Two teenage boys have been jailed for life for the murder of a woman killed because she was dressed as a Goth.


Sophie Lancaster was kicked and stamped to death by Brendan Harris, 15, and Ryan Herbert, 16, in Stubbylee Park in Bacup, Lancashire, last summer.


The pair turned on Miss Lancaster, 20, after she tried to get Harris, Herbert and three other youths to stop attacking her boyfriend, Robert Maltby.


Harris must serve a minimum of 18 years and Herbert, 16 years, the judge said.


Judge Anthony Russell QC, sentencing at Preston Crown Court, said: "This was feral thuggery.


"It raises serious questions about the sort of society which exists in this country at the start of a new millennium which was heralded with such optimism."


In my opinion no sentence is long enough for what they did.

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