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Goth Park Murder last year - thugs found guilty!

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When you consider the thing on the news the other day where they said that prisons were so comfortable that the inmates dont actually want to leave and people actually break IN to sell drugs, leave the ladder by the perimiter fence and no one tries to use it to escape...

Those little turds are on holiday, being rewarded for killing a girl.


Yes I'd like to coordinate penal reform & ** the human rights tinky-winky-la-la brigade :wink:

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If prisons are such a delight, why isn't there a queue to get in?


Or does the fun of the prison camp explain why Butlins remains so popular?



I know what my gut reaction is to this tale, but the fact that I don't react to my gut often is what makes me better than those two (pug-ugly btw) scum. I'm allowed to hope that they manage to upset someone else inside who doesn't haver that same control though, surely?

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It would also be helpful if you could show me links to where it said the parents of the offenders were laughing and joking.






I do recall seeing pages on the BBC site which mentioned one of the little scumbags and his mother laughing and joking about the attack...I've just tried to do a search and can't find it. Maybe it's sub-judice

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I do recall seeing pages on the BBC site which mentioned one of the little scumbags and his mother laughing and joking about the attack...I've just tried to do a search and can't find it. Maybe it's sub-judice


I think this is the page you were looking for and the relevant bit is near the bottom. The BBC News Online search facility doesn't seem to work too well because when you input multiple terms such as "Sophie Lancaster laugh" the results include some pages that only include one term.



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