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Goth Park Murder last year - thugs found guilty!

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Why dont that surprise me one bit?! Anyhow, just looked at the link you posted and realised that if they did serve the minimum tarrifs given and were released they would only be in their 30's giving them many years of freedom. Where is the justice in that?

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Hangings far too good for them, how about we let a group of angry goths loose on them , see how they like it?


Im sorry but revenge is sweet.


It makes me sooo f*cking cross even hearing about them, i've been to where it happened and laid flowers, it was all very emotional and it still upsets me that people like those SCUM think they have a right to do what they did just because they were most likely tanked up on Whitelightning and/or were as high as a kite. I Just dont understand how their heads worked, to believe it was okay to beat two people up, ONE BEING A WOMAN, because of the way they dress.

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Like i've said previously on this thread, my fella use to play football with one of their older brothers, and everytime he saw the younger brother he was causing trouble, apparently the whole family are an absolute discrace, and get raised on the motto, "If they say summat you dont like, crack em".

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Can a sentence be INCREASED as the result of an appeal on a sentence? Maybe if there was a chance that it could be increased, then all the people who have a go at getting them decreased (might as well, if the appeal is being funded by our hard-earned taxes - what's someone got to lose!) might think twice.

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Can a sentence be INCREASED as the result of an appeal on a sentence? Maybe if there was a chance that it could be increased, then all the people who have a go at getting them decreased (might as well, if the appeal is being funded by our hard-earned taxes - what's someone got to lose!) might think twice.
It most certainly can be increased.
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