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How many Expats would move back to Sheffield

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As all expats we all remember the home town with a degree of fondness and remember our days there. This City is the best, the people and the welcome that it has is second to none, but when you revisit it does not have the same feel as it had.


Like all Town Centers change for the better and Sheffield is no different ,the town feels different.


Comments welcome from Expats.

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your right sandie i used to live in hackenthorpe and brightside when i was a bairn i live in south shields now i dont think i would move back most of my close family have moved with me but iam proud to be a sheffielder and the city that raisd me

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My kids are nearly grown and I raised them in the United States so they are pure American, but after they leave home I would like/consider moving back to Sheffield under the condition I had plenty of brass to live the good life and travel to warmer climates during the long winter months. But right now I enjoy visiting yearly to see my family and friends.



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As all expats we all remember the home town with a degree of fondness and remember our days there. This City is the best, the people and the welcome that it has is second to none, but when you revisit it does not have the same feel as it had.


Like all Town Centers change for the better and Sheffield is no different ,the town feels different.


Comments welcome from Expats.


being in the Harness Horse racing for the last 25yrs i don't scare easy, but driving around Sheffield & most U.K city's had me trembling in my boots,so No I would never even visit again its much to hard on the heart

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I must admit I don't think the Town Centre HAS improved. I left in 1980. I can't see me coming back as all my family have moved away. We needed to find jobs, food and shelter! ;-)


I would consider coming back to the Sheffield I left, but it has changed and so have I so I don't think coming back is an option really.

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Everybody looks back with great fondness to the city of their birth, but unfortunately progress takes over and sometimes not for the better. Sheffield is no longer the city I looked forward to coming home to when I was in the Navy, but, I always like to re-visit and then leave with great disappointment. Sheffield will always move on but happily not with me in it.


I will always be proud to be "Made in Sheffield", but sadly there are much nicer places in the UK to spend the rest of your days.

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I've made the point on this Forum before that the city centre has had its soul taken out of it, at least that's the way I see it. But I've spent all my working life in Canada, taken out Canadian citizenship, have grown kids, even a grandkid settled here. So, no, I wouldn't move back. But I still like to visit the few relatives I have left in Sheffield and drop by some of the old haunts that are still around. If I get chance, take in a Sheff Wed game. Will always have a soft spot for the city I grew up in and I love Derbyshire btw.

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  • 2 weeks later...
As all expats we all remember the home town with a degree of fondness and remember our days there. This City is the best, the people and the welcome that it has is second to none, but when you revisit it does not have the same feel as it had.


Like all Town Centers change for the better and Sheffield is no different ,the town feels different.


Comments welcome from Expats.


I have been away from Sheffield for 31 years and would never move back.

I come from the Page Hall area ( Hinde House Lane) and it has changed beyond comprehension. Prior to my mum dying, she was quite frightened about what the area had become and put her name on the housing list in case she needed to get away. Her neighbour was a member of Idsworth Rd Club and she and her husband dreaded the walk past the Page Hall shops area at night past a cafe apparently which was a drugs den and where there were gang fights etc.

Sadly this reflected how difficult it is for different peoples to live together particularly when older people feel the neighbourhood which they have known and loved all their lives has been taken from them.

On the other hand, the southern part of the city seems little changed.

I still like to come to visit Derbyshire though - thankfully thats still the same although perhaps busier .

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  • 1 month later...

I left Sheffield to join the RAF when I was 16. I'm 42 now and still love reminiscing about my childhood there. My parents still live there in the same house I grew up in, so I visit maybe a couple of times a year. I always love going back and I know things have changed and my memories may be tinted with nostalgia, but I always feel the pull of my roots.

I live in Blackpool now and no disrespect meant, but in my opinion, it's not a nice place to live and given the chance I would love to go back to Sheffield.

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Same as Jossman we will always have a fondness for Sheffield. We have revisited and lived there several times over the last 40 yrs, however, the Australian way of life, the climate and the people of Australia (the colonials) always drew us to return to Sydney and even though we may visit Sheffield some more, we have become Australians now, our family is in New South Wales. I found a solution to some of the homesickness even though it's actually illegal. While in Sheffield I taped some "Radio Hallamshire" music. It was Christmas. I saved my favourite songs and some of the radio annoucers chatter. Whenever I feel homesick I play the tape I made in 1992/93. Makes me wonder how the earlier emigrants who couldn't do this managed to stay mental. sydneygirl

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