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Why should I drink real ale?


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Is real ale a thing of the past?


It always works for me.


Real ale is the unpasteurised unprocessed version. The real thing.


To compare it to keg or cream flow is the same as comparing Champagne with Asti Spumante.


One is the real deal, alive and improving as it matures, the other is alcoholic soda water.




Fillet Steak with a beef burger

Farm reared turkey with a twizzler

Proper chips with those nasty thingsmade from reconstituted mash...


I could go on. but lets let other do that.


Oh!!!!! just one more thing. It is cheaper than the inferior beer substitutes, because they spend so much advertising the inferior stuff.

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A couple of hundred years ago we deported criminals to Australia. The boat trip took 6 months. Quite often the water would run out and the criminals were forced to drink their own urine. It is just that some of them got to like it, although I think they prefer it a bit colder these days.

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If anything, I think it's getting more popular.


It is. Wetherspoons sales of real ale went up by 12% on last years.


It takes more looking after by the landlord and needs to have a quick turn around so its the crappier pubs that tend not to sell it.

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I agree that real ale, and more interesting foreign beers are becomming much more popular. Bars which just stock your average lagers don't seem to do so well as those with more interesting drinks.


And why should you drink it? Because it tastes nice, and there's so much to choose from you're sure to find atleast one you love.

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You should drink real ale because -


It has character and flavour


It's often very reasonably priced


In doing so you'd often be supporting small-scale local businesses


Everything Speckled Hen says a few posts up


P.S. Hello Kathythebean, good to know you still exist.

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Real Ale sales are massively on the increase. More and more quality pubs are stocking this traditional and very English original product. The way forward is real ale, cask lagers included, and also cider, which is enjoying a real renaissance.....both bottled and cask ciders.


Sales of fizzy keg beer are on the decline, and keg lager sales are falling rapidly, so much so in fact I estimate in around 10 years, keg lager will be about as popular as it was in the early 1960's....ie, difficult to find and drunk only by 'ladies' in half pint glasses...


Lager as a macho 'mans' drink ,ie the 'Stella man' image, is on the way out....Careful analysis of sales figures over the last 17 months show a marked decline in extra cold keg lager. Evidence suggests less men are drinking keg lager and more women are taking to it, which is how it originally was marketed in the UK, lager was a 'ladies drink.' At one time up until around 1978 if a man asked for a lager in a traditional community estate pub heads would turn at the bar and he would be considered rather effeminate to say the least...real men were 'Tetley bittermen...' or a relevant equivalent...





ie Double Diamond — the beer the men drink!

Tetley Bittermen....you can't beat 'em!

John Smiths "Got me LA shirt and me disco trousers

All topped off with an Elvis quiff

The night is young, and I smell like a surfer –

Got some mates to go out with …

Got a mate called Jones and a mate called Brown –

And now I've got a mate called Smith!


Red Barrel! Red Barrel!

Red Barrel men say “The same again “,

It’s first-class beer.



Seek out some of those adverts from the late 1960's about lager, including Carlsberg,Skol and Carling, they are pitched purely at women until a change in direction in the early 70's.....lager was considered 'cats pee' and inferior to 'best bitter' in those days....


A slogan for the future could well be




We don't stock cask lager at the moment but are planning to try it, have had it abroad many times, and believe me, cask lager is NOTHING like the cats pee called Carling, carlsberg, Stella, etc

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