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Is Latin a dead Language?

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amo, amas, amat is about as much as I can remember from school.


I think the Pope still speaks it though, which is odd as he's a jerry.


Caesar adsum jam forte. Pompei adorat.

Caesar sic in omnibus, Pompei sic in tram.


The Pope is NOT a German! If you were to ask him I'm sure he would tell you:


"Mia redn boarisch - Bairisches Deutsch - Mia san in Bayern mehrsprachig und sogn - Griaß God! und Pfia God!"


He would almost certainly know that "Oa oa oa oa oa sind zwoa oa"


And he'd probably know the password, too.


I'm not telling you that! -You're a bloody Saupreuß!


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My g/daughter aged 12 is learning latin at school, and loves it!


When I was a child there was no internet (there wasn't that much elecktrickery where I lived, for that matter) and 'pornography' was H&E (in black and white, with generous use of the airbrush)


But then came Horace. I hated Latin translation.


But then came Horace.


Coop (my Latin teacher) told us how Hannibal crossed the Alps. Were you aware that the strings used in the catapults employed by Hannibal to bombard Roman encampments were made from the plaited penises of elephants? (Another drawback.)


We were require to stand up, pick up our chairs, invert them and put them on our desks. Then we took the laces out of our shoes, looped them around the chair legs, used our rulers as the throwing arm of the ballistae and rubbers (erasers for the Americans) as the munitions.


Boring subject, Latin.:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Latin is not a dead language, though obviously it has now been usurped as the global lingua franca by English. A few words will always help, anywhere in the world, especially in the medical (all doctors know Latin, even in Japan and Burkina Faso) but also a large number of other fields. Using a Latin phrase is not some sort of 'affectation' - it can quickly get you to the meat of the business even after all this time.

True, plus it assists with many English words by enabling one:

a. to spell correctly more often; and

b. to guess at the meaning of a newly-encountered word.

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