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Am I alone in not liking jazz?



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  1. 1. Jazz

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    • Cast it into the flaming pit of eternal torture

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Good to see this thread is has been successful in bringing White Van Man and all his relatives out of the woodwork ;)


The truth is, jazz is not really rubbish. It wouldn't have thrived for over 100 years if it was.


It's like most other types of music. Some of it is good, some of it is bad, some of it is mediocre. You just need a few reference points to find a way into it and sort the worthwhile stuff from the dross.


For example, I've never been able to get into classical music, but I feel that's my loss as it's obviously a great and important art form.


The same applies to jazz.

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I don't hate it, but then again I don't own a Jazz cd/record and I wouldn't strive to buy one.


My housemate likes Jazz though, so I occasionally listen to it. In addition, I do seem to like a fair few artists that are influenced by Jazz but aren't considered to be the same genre.

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freenoise (which is big in sheffield at the minute i believe) where they take noise, metal, punk, techno etc and use a jazz style structure.


There's a freenoise scene in Sheffield?!


Anyway, jazz is awesome. I'm somewhat of an oddity amongst my friends, as although we all share a lot of metal/various rock-based tastes in common, I'm the only one with a massive interest in jazz (damn fellow students). I have a feeling I probably share the same sorta approach as 'leviathan13', 'Mighty_Boosh', and 'epiphany' who all seem to like metal and free/avant-jazz.


I usually find that when trying to talk about jazz with people, they often have little clue about the genre. I find that people usually think it's either all:


- noisy structureless crap that meanders and goes nowhere.

- piano + voice mellow stuff, ala Jamie Cullum (*snore*)

- smooth jazz, ala Kenny G (*vomit*)

- music for pretentious retired old men, and hella boring.


Anyway, yeh, jazz is awesome, and some of the most exciting music I've ever heard. I love many different varieties of it; from really noisy free/avant stuff to more mellow jazz standards. To name just a few (and not name a loada really obscure things no-one'll ever have heard of); some of my favourites are artists like John Coltrane, Last Exit, Miles Davis, Thelonious Monk, John Zorn, Ornette Coleman, Keith Jarrett, Rahsaan Roland Kirk, Charles Mingus, Pharoah Sanders, Hiromi Uehara; which are all often quite surprising in sound to most people who have a 'wrong' preconceived notion of what jazz is. I think it also often takes time for people to adjust to understanding trumpet/sax as emotive lead instruments too.


For anyone wanting to explore jazz for the first time, have a listen to these. John Coltrane's _A Love Supreme_ often tops 'best ever' charts (currently rated #7 of all-time, from all genres on this site). Anyway, someone on YouTube appears to have uploaded a live performance of the piece, though it's all in parts:






No you're not. My untrained ear just hears a cacophany of noise, and like snook says, "like a blues band falling down stairs" but still trying to play their instruments.


Heh, you'd hate much music I love then, particularly the various noisy metal/drone things I like.

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Well I love a bit of Jazz.


No you're not. My untrained ear just hears a cacophany of noise, and like snook says, "like a blues band falling down stairs" but still trying to play their instruments.

I had a couple of years working afternoons with radio Hallam blaring out this God forsaken racket on certain evenings. Oh! the bad old days :)(sorry Jane x)



Tsk. ;)

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Those who know me understand that I have a near pathological hatred of jazz.


We won't go near bars or restaurants that have it on and if four middle aged blokes start playing different tunes simultaneously while other middle aged men tap their toes and nod their heads... well we have to leave quickly


Am I alone?

Jazz is the only music i know that can make your ears bleed... eternal torture gets my vote!!
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Buy Jamie Cullum's albums... though that's probably like buying El Nino in the classical world.


Listened to Jazz FM on digital for an hour or so a week when Classic FM/Galaxy got too much. It closed down this month though.


Was looking forward to it being replaced by looped animal noises like it's sister rock digital station, which closed down earlier this year, has been replaced with Birdsong channel... it just dissapeared though.

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  • 4 months later...
Those who know me understand that I have a near pathological hatred of jazz.


We won't go near bars or restaurants that have it on and if four middle aged blokes start playing different tunes simultaneously while other middle aged men tap their toes and nod their heads... well we have to leave quickly


Am I alone?




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