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Poem: 'Iceberg.'


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Hi Scotty,


Again, sophisticated yet accessible, in my opinion. I often find poetry a bit hard to fathom which is a bit annoying really, but I've really liked your poems so far. I like the subjects you choose, the expressions you use and I think you get a lot across in quite a compact form.


In this one, to me, the image of ice in warm water mapped nicely onto the sad notion of time slowly running out and of ourselves diminishing in some ways. I also just liked the sound of quite a few of the lines, especially:


The sea begins to lose its chilling shock,


For me, the poem as a whole triggered emotions relating to Life, Time running out, Death. In the first line you also include Love - was some of the imagery also related to Love?

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Thanks RB Im glad yo like the poem and yes the line of life is also of love. The closer we get to understanding its true power and importance in life the less time we have to benefit from what we have leaned. Sadly some never learn I supose and end their days surounded by ice.

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