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Wolf whistling, is it wrong?

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It's something only knobheads do.


I have no problems with birds wolf whistling at me old boy. If i see a fit bird i wolf whistle at her. I dont see any problem with it what so ever.


---------- Post added 22-11-2017 at 18:21 ----------


Because now, in ever increasing circles, that is also classed as harassment. The man must seek permission first to even interact in any way. Holding a door open for a woman is classed as sexist by some feminists and SJWs.


Then again, not finding someone attractive is now classed as discrimination to some people...


This shows how society has gone so wrong in recent years .

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I have no problems with birds wolf whistling at me old boy. If i see a fit bird i wolf whistle at her. I dont see any problem with it what so ever.


Thanks for proving my point.


You're as much of a tool as this repellent idiot, check it out -

Edited by Halibut
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Pop to a few building sites, wait for some 15 stone brick outhouse sized builder to wolf whistle some women then go call him that.

P.S. Dont forget to film the outcome.


Yeah... to all the white knights, women are wanting men to also call out sexism. So those who want to ally to the feminist movement and stamp out sexual harassment of women, instead of sitting at a keyboard and whining about how all men are sexist on a forum, be proactive and actually step in the next time a woman is being harassed.


Apparently it's so rife we see it all day everyday, so there should be enough opportunity to aid the damsels in such distress...

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Yeah... to all the white knights, women are wanting men to also call out sexism. So those who want to ally to the feminist movement and stamp out sexual harassment of women, instead of sitting at a keyboard and whining about how all men are sexist on a forum, be proactive and actually step in the next time a woman is being harassed.


Apparently it's so rife we see it all day everyday, so there should be enough opportunity to aid the damsels in such distress...


The kind of tossers that do this kind of lowlife creepy stuff on women tend to do it when they're alone and more vulnerable, but thanks for the patronising guff anyway. You sound like you think women are kicking up a fuss about nothing; perhaps you think they should be grateful for the attention or something crass like that?

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