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Meadowhall Retail Park car parking megathread

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I have never had a parking ticket because I am on a motorbike, I do often park on pavements to save a parking space for a car, but if I do get a ticket, I am armed with all this info I found.


Read this before you pay.


I cant get the exact link but it is in the forums section of http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/ just search for parking fines and all will be revealed, you may need to register tho.


a truly invaluable site if you have any consumer problems from bank charges to parking fines



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Thank you everybody for your advice.


Just to keep you updated. My friend has met up with another person who has been fined in this car park.


Basically he has been advised to contest the charge in writing. According to law, the company should look into this matter and deal with it appropriately. However they will not do this. They will simply keep sending letters out saying you should pay the fine.


Eventually a debt collection agency will come out but legally they can’t take anything because you have disputed the ticket.


At this stage you then threaten to sue the company for wasting your time and they totally drop the matter. They have no interest in trying to resolve disputed tickets so they would sooner try and bully the money out of you and if you refuse they will eventually leave you alone.


Anywho, I’ll keep you posted.

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If you were legitimately using the car park to go about business in the retail park and cinema area, then I'd complain to the relevant places which you were conducting business in about the fine.
But if you are parked in the Retail car park but go to Centretainment is that not like someone parking on your drive but visiting your neighbour? :suspect:
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If you have been using it as a free car park then you should swallow the fine and shut up about it in my opinion- your using there car park when its for customers only.


If your legitimately shopping there and you have a ticket then thats when you should complaign?



I can't see what people are moaning about?

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the owners of the retail park have to prove that they suffered a financial loss as a result of you parking there,if it was a busy time of day and the car park was full they would have cause to fine you,but as it was late and most of the shops would have been closed they will find it very difficult to prove your actions caused any loss

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the owners of the retail park have to prove that they suffered a financial loss as a result of you parking there


Not sure about this comment.


At the end of the day it's private land and the owners are well within there rights to put rules in place regarding parking, as far as the penalty charge goes they will says the costs incurred are for camera surveillance & administration etc.

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Dear Sirs,


Re: Your letter dated [dd/mmmm/yyyy] Reference[#]


I acknowledge receipt of your captioned letter. It seems that you have got my details from the DVLA and I confirm I am the keeper of the vehicle in question. You need to take this matter up with the driver concerned.


In the meantime I absolutely deny your claim that the amount claimed, or any amount at all, is due to you from me.


Yours faithfully

from CAG, link --> http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/parking-traffic-offences/119802-private-parking-tickets-template.html


They can not persue it, you are not required to admit you were the driver and e.....actually, read the posts for yourself...

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Anyway, any feedback would be appreciated.


Say you can't remember who was driving and ask them for a copy of the photo.


If they don't have a picture of you actually parking, or returning to the car such that it shows you were the driver, you have no case to answer.


Since it's not the council running the show it's a civil matter, under civil law you are under no obligation to name the driver. Unless they can prove who the driver was, there is no fine.


You could also take pictures of the signage. If the signage isn't readable, is very small and easily overlooked, or in anyway obscured, they also have no case.

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