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Meadowhall Retail Park car parking megathread

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Such a judgement in the District Court does exist. See:-




There are other factors too.


But the main one is that private companies cannot issue fines.


Rather than ignore (advice prior to POFA October 2012) nowadays advice consists of three parts


1. Do NOT admit to being the driver - for instance by making an appeal.


2. Do wait for an NTK (Notice to Keeper).


3. Check that all hurdles have been jumped (there are a lot of these.)


Follow the advice on here.



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  • 2 months later...
Park as long as you want........... because any invoice that may be sent by the parking cowboys who operate the car park is totally worthless and totally un-enforcable.


Only 1 hour 34 mins from the first post - a new personal best ? :)

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And feel free to take up two spaces, block someone else in, or maybe even park in the disabled bay, because if you're going to ignore the time limit rule, why not ignore the lot!



"Disabled Parking Bays " in private car parks are nothing of the sort, neither is the blue parking badge valid in private car parks . But before anyone slams me , ive posted many times that able bodied people should NOT park in these bays in any car park even though they are NOT valid disabled bays.

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