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Mish Mash - Ecclesall Road. Your experiences...


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wow, never been, was considering going.. shere entertainment going on in this forum!


the thought of receiving a bad meal is quite scary, but it makes you appreciate good meals.


have walked past mish mash a few times, and must say, love the way it looks, and it does look very inviting.. hope when i go, food and service are as glowing as the decor!


do you need to book? anyone know?


I really don't understand what people have against Mish-Mash. It's my birthday in a couple of weeks and I'll be celebrating it with a meal at Mish-Mash.


Mish-Mash is currently, IMHO, the best restaurant in Sheffield. Yes, it's not cheap, but you get what you pay for. The staff have been, on all of my numerous visits, great. So has the food.


Still, each to their own, I suppose.


When I go I always book, just to be sure.

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alright cowboy, youve quoted me like im hacing ago at the place!


IMHO ive never been, and ive never said anything bad about it!


IMHO i think youre being abit mean by dragging up my quote and then start by saying, i really dont understand what people have against mish mash!


thanks for the advice on the booking tho!


much love, x

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Portofino has changed hands and now its The Bay Leaf - rather boring 1970's English scampi in a basket style Abigails Party Im afraid - sorry owners -just me - lots a peeps like it!

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Portofino has changed hands and now its The Bay Leaf - rather boring 1970's English scampi in a basket style Abigails Party Im afraid - sorry owners -just me - lots a peeps like it!
1. What has that got to do with anything?! This thread is about MishMash ;)

2. Portofino turned into "The Bay Tree"

3. The Bay Tree actually closed down well over a month ago


But thanks for the totally irrelevant and incorrect input! :)

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alright cowboy, youve quoted me like im hacing ago at the place!


IMHO ive never been, and ive never said anything bad about it!


IMHO i think youre being abit mean by dragging up my quote and then start by saying, i really dont understand what people have against mish mash!


thanks for the advice on the booking tho!


much love, x


Hi Grub Lover


Sorry, I was replying to the thread in general, not having a go at you. Many apologies if that was the impression I gave.


Cheers !


Mr B


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I have to say I have been to Mish Mash about 4 times and everytime I have loved it. Don't know what all of you are going on about. The local food is good old British stuff and its not expensive. 3 course for £20 is a bargain if you ask me. I think Sheffield should have more restaurants like Mish Mash that aren't big corporate chains that seem to pop up everywhere.


Support your local Sheffield business!

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When someone sticks one of these little grinning headshttp://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/images/smilies/smile.gif:) on their reply post is it supposed to offset the fact that they are basically being a bit rude ? I am as you can see from the amount of posts relativly inexperienced in on-line rudeness or non rudeness ettiquette! :confused:However Mish Mash is brilliant and I eat there often.

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When someone sticks one of these little grinning headshttp://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/images/smilies/smile.gif:) on their reply post is it supposed to offset the fact that they are basically being a bit rude ? I am as you can see from the amount of posts relativly inexperienced in on-line rudeness or non rudeness ettiquette! :confused:However Mish Mash is brilliant and I eat there often.
Err... yep!

Basically it was supposed to indicate that I was taking the pee in a cheeky way rather than a downright stroppy/nasty way. (in fact I was a bit drunk at the time... :blush:)

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