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Whats the worst job you've ever had ?

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Delivering yellow pages, Got paid £90 for about 800. Sounds great but it was in a posh area where every house had a drive. I had recruited my sister to help so had to pay her £30 spent about £20 on petrol and it took days and days to do. I even had to get my mum and dad to help!

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My worst "job" was the week I spent working at the Winged Fellowship place in Essex about 10 years ago, dealing with severely disabled adults is SO not appropriate when you're disabled yourself IMO.


But do the Job Centres see that? Nope, they just sent me on the Prince's Trust because it looks good on their books that I was doing something! :loopy:


The only enjoyment I got out of the whole week was MCing the quiz one night, which I wrote myself, and read out to a centre full of incontinent old dears in wheelchairs, I'll give them their dues though, some of them were more compos mentis than they looked.

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When I was 14 I worked through the summer holidays in a screenprinting factory in Liverpool, it was horrible. I didn't live in Liverpool so it was up at 6am, walk about a mile and a half to the station, train to Lime st., another long walk to the factory, get there just in time to start, was on my feet all day having walked miles to get there.

My job was cleaning the silkscreens after they'd been used for printing, using dangerous and stinking industrial solvents - I wore protective gloves, but you would get through abot 3 pairs a day, they would dissolve, slowly getting bigger and bigger until one of the fingers suddenly came off, usually while you had your hand in a container of the stuff, you had to run to the nearest sink (which wasn't very near) and rinse it off to save your skin. Painful, unpleasant.

The whole factory was of course full of noisy machinery, loads of printing machines all going ca chunga ca chunga at different rates, which was maddening, but then made worse by the 7 or 8 old broken stereos dotted around the place, all turned up to a distorted 10 and tuned into radio 1.

Usually I did 8 hr shifts but once did a whole week of 12 hr shifts, on my usual 8 hr day I would get home at 6pm or so, and fall asleep straightaway, I didn't get enough to eat while I worked there as there just wasn't time.


I was just a kid and didn't realise how badly I was being exploited, if I ever meet the guy who ran that place you'll see me on the news.

The foul stench. The constant exhaustion. The chemical burns. The endless noise and f***ing radio 1. The retarded monkeys I had to work with. It was a while ago now but as you can see I'm still very bitter.

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Kamble - I think you are winning so far.... The rest of you lot don't know you are born. :)


I worked from the age of 14 on Cleethorpes prom in a cafe/rock shop/ice-cream shop. I started on £1.30 an hour. I remember being there on Xmas eve with a sub zero winter blizzard going on (the shops are open fronted) serving ice creams in fingerless gloves to people who would then run and get into their lovely warm cars.... shaking, shaking, shaking. Wondering if I would ever see Xmas morning.


At 17 my dad (a fisherman) got me and my best mate a job "Down Dock" in Grimsby. This involved us taking a tub on wheels up to the men filleting the fish and them throwing fish at you. We then had to pull the innards out of the fish and discard of them (enjoy your fish fingers tonight!) and put the filleted pieces on a conveyor belt to be frozen. The people and the stench were enough to have me crying by the first break. I lasted two days.


I also worked in Woolworths in Grimsby with a female manager who made Margaret Thatcher look like Little Bo Peep. One night after our shift of re-filling shelves until 9pm we were nearly let out onto the street where two lions were roaming after escaping from the Circus!!!

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A day tarmaccing for travellers at 15 was pretty bad. They mentioned a drive in the snooker club which sounded easy enough but getting there it was an industrial site with lorries coming and going all the time and two skinny 15 year olds to do it about 200m by 30m with a supervisor just stood there watching.


When a lorry load of tarmac and black ash turned up and emptied it's fare the yearning to be back in South Yorks was quite strong. Not sure just how many tons were hauled in that wheelbarrow but it must have been a world record on the weight per (lack of) muscle ratio. It didn't help that all the tarmac needed to be moved twice.


On the way back a massive argument ensued on the phone because the company had paid for the whole industrial grounds to be tarmacced and only about a third had been done, though to be fair what was done was thoroughly checked to be done right... unfortunately.


They also tried to coerce me driving the van and trailer back to see if I'd be suitable driving it down to Germany the next week for a fortnight of tarmaccing, though I politely declined their offer. At 15 it all felt a bit sacrificial lambish.

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