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Whats the worst job you've ever had ?

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People I can deal with.


Stupid rules, crap efficiency - which I could have sorted in minutes, and pointless and nauseating 'group team building sessions', pee me off.


Everyone is different though.


Why do firms still run them, they are so 80`s, thinking outside the box, blue sky thinking. :huh:


They should introduce this to the next meeting:-




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Bogies are not really seaworthy.

Next time you see a travel brochure saying "Cross the ocean on a bogey" you can just forget it mate. Cos that is the end of the f***ing WORLD.

I was offered a job working with Winston Churchill, but I turned it down.

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  • 8 years later...

Worst job I ever had was handing out flyers for a Pizza shop dressed as a pizza box. Me and someone else had to walk down Barkers Pool, Fargate, High Street, Angel Street & back and forward on a busy Saturday afternoon. It was horrendous.

We had to wear nylon leggings and top, with a stupid pizza box covering our bodies with our faces showing through the cardboard.

It was boiling hot, and the scrubbers and scroats were out and about soaking up the sun & chucking litter at us.

Never again :rant:

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Night shift at Smiths Crisps (remember them?) in Portchester, through a temping agency.


We were a cleaning team, scrubbing the filling and packing machinery at the end of about 12 production lines. By lunchtime (2am) we were told there was no further work for us to do, but they'd paid for us for the whole shift, and we were told to clean it again.


The whole placed stank of rancid oil, burnt potatoes and melting plastic.


I decided to walk the four miles home instead, and was stopped by the police. I offered the WPC driving a polo mint and got a lift home in the back of the panda car- so it wasn't an entirely wasted evening.


But it was the worst job I've ever had, and I lasted exactly four hours.

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I used to work in an industrial laundry.


{WARNING: If you are of a squeemish nature, read no further}


If you've ever wondered what happened to the clothes that you gave away to the rag and bone man.... well, they ended up at an industrial laundry. They got sorted into different types of cloth, e.g., jeans, cotton shirts, heavy coats, and suchlike.


Then they got washed in huge multi-tub washers, set on an extremely high temperature. After that, they got dried in smaller drying machines. From there they got loaded onto conveyor belts, where a small army of women snipped off buckles, belts and buttons, cuffs and collars, and boxed them up.


The boxes of clean rags were then sold to offices (as dusters), garages and heavy industry (for wiping down greasy, oily machines), etc.


So, you may ask, what was squeemish about the job?


Well, it was always a problem over the condition in which some folk gave away their old clothes. For example (are you really sure you want to read any further?...) when you checked that trouser pockets were empty, you'd discover used condoms, always neatly knotted to prevent leakage of the contents, i.e., semen.


That was quite pleasent compared to the condition of undergarments, especially men's underpants. I'd sometimes empty the multi-tub washers full of underpants, only to find that I'd grabbed hold of... an extremly hot turd!


Or I'd empty the drying machines, only to grab hold of yet another extremly hot turd!


The temperature in this laundry often reached 90F, and the heat and noise was horrendous. Given these working conditons, you finished the day literally stinking of sweat (and other people's turds). I had to give up travelling home by bus - as folk simply avoided sitting next to me, as I literally stank!


I did this job for nearly two years whilst studying at night school to go to college full time. But... never again!


Should have used a better deTURDgent.:hihi:

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Two, actually, both in student vacations.


1. Barrow boy at Dibble's, at the Parkway Markets in December '74...Baltic! The banana shed was a great sanctuary.


2. Bottling hall at Bass on Claywheels Lane...foreman tasked me to "clean all that **** out o' t' drains." Sexual harassment was rife, from the women towards us young lads.


Gives meaning to the old cliche, "Learning at the university of life."


Set me up for 37 years teaching in tough schools. Cheeky spotty teenagers? Doddle.

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