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Whats the worst job you've ever had ?

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Saturday job in the cafe of British Home Stores, Haymarket. 8.30am till 6.00pm for 19 shillings and six pence. My feet would be bleeding by the end of the day. Actually I was so bad at it they put me on pot washing duty in the end, which was bliss in comparison.


2nd worse job - Debt collecting for Provident on Hyde Park and Park Hill flats. Let's just say I grew from the experience...

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I've had so many rubbish jobs as a youngster that it can only be presented as a list (sort of in order from worst):


Lettuce-harvest (Crawl on knees in the mud behind tractor with sharp knife and a foreman shouting that you have to keep up)


Chicken-picking (Go into huge shed full of chickens to fill boxes with 10 each, paid per box - if you don't put ten in at the same time they escape, start again)


Dog-food factory (Spending all night stacking pallets with 20Kg bags coming of conveyor at 4 a minute)


Shrimp factory (Cleaning-team night shift, go through all the heavy machinery with power washer emitting 60 degree water and producing steam filled with shrimp-bodyparts)


Cheese factory (turning over 15kg cheeses - target of 1000 a day, many of which can only be reached by ladder)


Frozen food distribution (Order picking in -40C - I liked the job itself but got screwed heavily on pay so 3-4 months of 70-80 hour weeks got paid at minimum wage for 38 hours)


Pig-farm (cleaning out stables, quite liked this despite the stench, pigs are amazing animals)


Newspaper round (every Saturday morning, 5AM start, every day after school in rain, snow etc. did this for years and years, later often still drunk on Saturday morning)


Doorman (student-job, quite liked this except for the physical threats, knifes and once a gun, it came with certain perks though ;) )


Potato-planting (I actually loved this job - at back of rickety old tractor, tipping 12Kg boxes of potatoes into planting machine, I liked it because of my colleague, it was me and him against the endless stretches of fields, and because working out on the land in spring is actually awesome; with this job you could see things, with lettuce cutting, no chance)


Tulip-bulb-heading (get paid per box of cleaned bulbs, kills your fingers, BUT this is a job all the local teenagers did, camping 2 hours away from home in the middle of nowhere with all your mates is awesome, when you do it for a month and earn decent money so you can get drunk/high every night it gets even better.)



I am probably forgetting several others... growing up in the countryside you have to take what you can get.

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Saturday job in the cafe of British Home Stores, Haymarket. 8.30am till 6.00pm for 19 shillings and six pence. My feet would be bleeding by the end of the day. Actually I was so bad at it they put me on pot washing duty in the end, which was bliss in comparison.


2nd worse job - Debt collecting for Provident on Hyde Park and Park Hill flats. Let's just say I grew from the experience...


Debt collecting on Park Hill flats! You must be one tough cookie.

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Bottling hall at Bass on Claywheels Lane...foreman tasked me to "clean all that **** out o' t' drains." Sexual harassment was rife, from the women towards us young lads.


I know a bloke who started his first job in a factory at age 16. He was told to go over to where the women worked and ask for a pair of greased nuts... :shocked:


and yes, he did get them greased.

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Had a few stinkers. Dressed up as a bear for a day in a rough part of Derby - very hot, no fun. Tried on of those "trainee manager" door knocking gig for a week or two (it's tragic that desperate people are still being conned and wasting there time 20 odd years on). Hated it. Worked in a small shop for a couple of years - I really enjoyed that. Easier than my current job that's for sure. But it closed. Two other places I worked at also went bust and that's before I was 25.


Cursed I tell thee!

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Cold calling for a UPVC window company. Literally from a page torn out of a phone book. Was my first ever job so didn't know what I know now. No interview, no training, no script, no contract, no nothing. Lasted just under an hour then walked out.

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Onion picking and sorting on Hayling Island. Stood on the back of the harvesting machine, separating clods of dirt and stones from the onions on a conveyor belt as it slowly drove up and down the field, with dust blowing in your eyes from the sea wind.


Closely followed by working in a metal finishers, sanding down various metal objects before they were painted and went in the ovens. Gloves were useless and your fingers would be bleeding by the end of the day.

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