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Ethical veggie cafes

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are there any veggie cafes, (not restaurants) in sheff which are more of a daytime, informal, thing with a big slant on ethical? Cheap and cheeerul, plain cooking, like veggie sheppards pie etc?? Somewhere where its ok to show the horrors of factory farming on cafe walls, yummy veggiie bacon sarnies, etc?. Can anyone point me in the right direction or at least start one up with me?????:):):)

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there is the Blue Moon just by the cathedral. they are middling in price range but this is because they pay fair prices for everything so I'm told. they are very ethical in pretty much everthing they do.they don't do much in the way of faux meat veggie stuff though. the only other place i can think of i the burngreave ashram cafe but thats not really town.


edit sorry i thought you specified town centre. time to go to bed i think

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are there any veggie cafes, (not restaurants) in sheff which are more of a daytime, informal, thing with a big slant on ethical? Cheap and cheeerul, plain cooking, like veggie sheppards pie etc?? Somewhere where its ok to show the horrors of factory farming on cafe walls, yummy veggiie bacon sarnies, etc?. Can anyone point me in the right direction or at least start one up with me?????:):):)


Wouldn't you be preaching to the converted?

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Somewhere where its ok to show the horrors of factory farming on cafe walls, yummy veggiie bacon sarnies, etc?.


I'm vegetarian - but not convinced I want to look at the horrors of factory farming while I'm eating... I've never really seen the point of those fake bacon things either - they're horrible..


Other than that - good luck!



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are there any veggie cafes, (not restaurants) in sheff which are more of a daytime, informal, thing with a big slant on ethical? Cheap and cheeerul, plain cooking, like veggie sheppards pie etc?? Somewhere where its ok to show the horrors of factory farming on cafe walls, yummy veggiie bacon sarnies, etc?. Can anyone point me in the right direction or at least start one up with me?????:):):)


Why not just go out for a steak and forget about all this ethical stuff for one night?

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are there any veggie cafes, (not restaurants) in sheff which are more of a daytime, informal, thing with a big slant on ethical? Cheap and cheeerul, plain cooking, like veggie sheppards pie etc?? Somewhere where its ok to show the horrors of factory farming on cafe walls, yummy veggiie bacon sarnies, etc?. Can anyone point me in the right direction or at least start one up with me?????:):):)


My bold.




Anyway, Blue moon cafe, as already mentioned, is top notch, get thee there.

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There is a new place in beighton called the lifestyle cafe just opened and its a holistic therapy centre too, great idea i hope it takes off, its about time we had something like this in our area.

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