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Smile Bank - What are they like?

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Just a quick question. I've decided to leave my current bank and go to smile, the online bank.


Does anyone here bank with them and if so what do you reckon to them?


Or does anyone have any information about them which you think I should know.


I must say though they do seem very good.

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Another quick question(s)


Apologies in advance but when it comes to anything to do with money my brain just shrivels up and dies.


So anyway, at the moment I live in my overdraft. It's currently at £250 and I just can't get out of it just yet, I have too many other things to pay for, mainly college and a holiday.


So I want to know what happens with regards to the fact that I'm not actually in credit.


Will I have to pay all my overdraft off before I can move to smile?


Hopefully if I have understood correctly, smile wont charge me for using the overdraft facility?


Also a friend has just warned me that I shouldn't move because I have been with natwest for such a long time and that my ability to get loans and a mortgage may decrease. Then again natwest wont even give me a credit card nevermind a mortgage.


I wish I had some money sense :D


Hopefully when I have paid my college fee off which should be January then I can get paying off the overdraft and get myself in credit for the first time in yonks.

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