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Weather in S10 is it still bad ?

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Hi all, me again !!


When i was a kid living in Lodge Moor in the 70's/80's ,during the winter was one hell of an experience.My family are Londoners and didnt really know what snow was until we moved up there !!!!!!!!!! Even though we now live in a hell hole like Coventry,we still have photos that show me standing on top of our cars on the drifts !! They use to stop the buses at Broomhill cos they couldn't get up the hills !

Do you still have the very bad winters ? id like to know as im moving back there next year.



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Hey I lived in Coventry but then moved to Sheffield last year for good, don't blame you for moving back to Sheffield, I always found it such a horrid place and still do even though my family all live there.


Winter was nice this year, compared to Coventry standards hehe, not loads of snow but the odd dusting.

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Up here at Lodge Moor we can have different weather to Crosspool, nevermind Broomhill. I remember 15ish years ago the buses only running to Brookhill roundabout. Fortunately at that time that was close to home LOL


Those times haunt me though and the thought of getting stuck bussless so far away would not be a laughing matter.


Having said that the snow yesterday and today, although blustery at times has only managed to settle briefly.

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I live right at the top of crookes and usually if it’s going to snow, it will up there, more so than down in the town centre. Sometimes there will be snow in crooks and none in lower areas, but I wouldn’t say the weather is 'bad', just a few degrees lower.


The wind can get up a little too, but not to damaging levels.

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I live right at the top of crooks and usually if it’s going to snow, it will up there, more so than down in the town centre. Sometimes there will be snow in crooks and none in lower areas, but I wouldn’t say the weather is 'bad', just a few degrees lower.


The wind can get up a little too, but not to damaging levels.


Living on top of crooks is quite worrying. I once lived next door to a man who burgled sheds and it was quite harrowing at times. The times I had to tell him to keep his hands off my hose!

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Thanks for the open welcome love! Second post in and I'm a fascist! Woohoo.


I think you're going to like it here.


If it's any consolation I remember when I first joined, within 2 posts I was accused of invading Poland and establishing a Totalitarian State!

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I think you're going to like it here.


If it's any consolation I remember when I first joined, within 2 posts I was accused of invading Poland and establishing a Totalitarian State!


Yes, but the thing is that you actually had, hadn't you? No point denying anything now. That's the problem with people these days, no one takes responsibility for themselves, not like 50 years ago.

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I think you're going to like it here.


If it's any consolation I remember when I first joined, within 2 posts I was accused of invading Poland and establishing a Totalitarian State!


Oh dear. Last time I did that I had an awful time getting served in my local Tesco Express. The looks I got! Anyone would have thought I'd somehow committed a crime against humanity. It's not as if I force fed marmite to kittens is it?

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