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Anyone off to Glastonbury?


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Not got a ticket for Glastonbury?

Why not recreate the experience at home by not washing, setting light to a fistful of twenty pound notes, swallowing every pill in the medicine cabinet and spending three days in your garden lying face down in litter and mud, while listening to whiny indie bands on your Ipod.....

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Not got a ticket for Glastonbury?

Why not recreate the experience at home by not washing, setting light to a fistful of twenty pound notes, swallowing every pill in the medicine cabinet and spending three days in your garden lying face down in litter and mud, while listening to whiny indie bands on your Ipod.....


Sounds like every weekend for me pretty much.

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The line up on the two main stages used to pretty incidental to who went to Glastonbury - there were countless stages and fields with stuff going on - back in the days when it a free for all and about 300,000 went (with only a fraction paying). Since 2002 when the big fence went up (which to be fair - they had to do - otherwise it'd have stopped running) - the festival crowd has become a lot more mainstream - and there is a lot more BBC/media/record co ties in - so the line ups/weather has become increasingly more important to the crowd who go. Which porbbaly explains the drop in sales thiss year


I went most years from the late 80 to the early 00s - and hardly saw any bands on the main stage - to much more interesting stuff going on!


I'll mainly be going to festivals beginning with sh this year..


sharrow, shamania, shambala and shglade



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i went to glasters every year it was on through the 90s till 2000

not been since 2000 :(


best place on earth....loved it, more to do than just see the "headliners" too

i used to wonder round the traveller fields and find small hippy tents with small / large hippy, traveller , reggae bands on



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