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Islamic preacher Abu Qatada extradition MEGATHREAD

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Your casual disregard for the rule of law is well noted.


People like Qatada have a complete disregard for the law, so ive no problem if its not applied in his favour either. As i say , once the Jordanians have him in their hands they can do as they please with him as far as im concerned.

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People like Qatada have a complete disregard for the law, so ive no problem if its not applied in his favour either. As i say , once the Jordanians have him in their hands they can do as they please with him as far as im concerned.


You've got something in common then Desmundo?

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Comprehension difficulties? Ask a friend to explain it for you perhaps.

No need you seem to bend over backwards to defend any muslim ,Iv told you before they will treat you as they would treat me,as a non believer, so your constant defending of them wouldnt earn you any favours except maybe contempt,but you wouldnt or dont want to understand that do you

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