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Islamic preacher Abu Qatada extradition MEGATHREAD

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I'm surpised a muslim moderator hasn't locked this thread yet, wouldn't do to inform the public of muslim intention would it?


Which 'muslim intention' are you referring to?

If it's something said by Qatada you need to remember that he doesn't speak for all muslims, nor is he the sole authority on things Islamic.

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Aright, let us all get a gist of What Halibut, and the rest of the people that have said similar.

That have come out with this kind of excrement, this kind of logic.

Lets see what this/these right minded citizen/s of the UK have/has just stated.




So, this bloke who calls for everyone to wipe out our way of life , but relies on it to keep him free, has proclaimed his hate for us and yet it is expected that we must somehow respect the rights of his wife to sanctuary even though she must go along with his briefs or she would still not be with him ?


She who has the legal right to divorce in this country without beheading or any other nasty forfeit that her religion would hold for her, she who has the legal protection of the country if she wished to turn her back on the evil her partner spews. She who takes the values of a sick man over the country that clothes and feeds both her and her kin ?


Are we to think first and for most for this woman's well being over the innocent citizens of this country when she has the choice to adopt to and embrace the freedoms and rights that we have before her and turn her back on the Murderous intent of the man she is married to in order to secure her children's future ?


Any other people in this country that are willing to give their children a life of ridicule and social condemnation would have the social services on them like a fly on a sewerage plant.


Why are we even able to ask why the kids are a factor in this ?


Take the kids, deport the man and let the wife sort her loyalties out in her own mind and stop this pandering to the Islamic faith.


If I just called one of my sons Adolph in this country I would expect him to be taken off me by the social services. But if you want to bring your kids up to want to have Jihad on their own country it is acceptable because its in the name of Islam ?


Give me a break.


Stop this pandering, stop this excusing and anyone like Halibut that comes out with such rubbish in the future everyone should make a point of putting them in their place.


Rant over. :mad:


totally agree

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His wife has the choice, everyone has a choice.


Her sadistic hubby or her children's future in a world where they can be free of all the dogma.


I take it you would be off to Jordan with the kids ?


His wife is a Burka wearing wife and according to some on here these poor women are downtrodden and forced to wear them etc etc so his wife has no choice but to stick by him as if he is forcing her to wear a burka than it shows he is in charge.

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Two things

1.If he is such a threat to this country and has done "terroristy" things that's a threat to national security, why hasn't he been charged, gone to court and sent down ?


2. If he's such a threat why didn't he have an "accident" ages ago ? Car accident, fall in front of a train, hell, he's in London what's wrong with an old fashioned stabbing following a botched robbery.


What do we pay our security/intelligence people for ????

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Two things

1.If he is such a threat to this country and has done "terroristy" things that's a threat to national security, why hasn't he been charged, gone to court and sent down ?


2. If he's such a threat why didn't he have an "accident" ages ago ? Car accident, fall in front of a train, hell, he's in London what's wrong with an old fashioned stabbing following a botched robbery.


What do we pay our security/intelligence people for ????


They thought they were being clever.


Prior to 9/11 and even afterwards for a time having bin ladins boy in europe here seemed to them like a good plan to keep us safe. Made aware that his feet wouldn't touch the ground if any attacks on the UK were even contemplated but given a free hand to encourage "jihad" ie random murder in the arab world, why would he jepordise that? Which of course he didn't until they realised just what a faustian pact they'd made and moved against him.


Still hope springs eternal, dangerous place, that London.

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His wife is a Burka wearing wife and according to some on here these poor women are downtrodden and forced to wear them etc etc so his wife has no choice but to stick by him as if he is forcing her to wear a burka than it shows he is in charge.

He's in charge or his religion ?

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Yes, I know there's another thread about him, but I'm looking for a simple answer to the question what was Abu Qatada in prison for?


It's hard to find any information, but I suspect he was locked up without charge. I also know he's a bad person who holds the kind of intolerant views I would hate.


Just looking for information.

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