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Islamic preacher Abu Qatada extradition MEGATHREAD

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No doubt another victim of the Labour do-anything-the-US-tells-us-to-do-in-the-name-of-anti-terrorism-and-freedom administration post 9/11.


I read in the news today of a fella who's been in Quantanamo for ten years and not been charged with anything:



The last Briton held in Guantanamo is "falling apart at the seams" and could die without ever being charged with an offence or meeting his youngest son, his lawyer has said.


Clive Stafford Smith made the claims after visiting Shaker Aamer, a British resident who despite being cleared for release in 2007 has languished in the prison in Cuba for a decade without ever being charged.

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No doubt another victim of the Labour do-anything-the-US-tells-us-to-do-in-the-name-of-anti-terrorism-and-freedom administration post 9/11.


I read in the news today of a fella who's been in Quantanamo for ten years and not been charged with anything:



The last Briton held in Guantanamo is "falling apart at the seams" and could die without ever being charged with an offence or meeting his youngest son, his lawyer has said.


Clive Stafford Smith made the claims after visiting Shaker Aamer, a British resident who despite being cleared for release in 2007 has languished in the prison in Cuba for a decade without ever being charged.

Yet there is no public outcry, no real media attention and our government seem to not care in the slightest.

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Originally Posted by Halibut

Which 'muslim intention' are you referring to?

If it's something said by Qatada you need to remember that he doesn't speak for all muslims, nor is he the sole authority on things Islamic.


Ricgem replies: ill ask again what would you do with him ?


muldoon says: you have more chance of winning the lottery mate ;)

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I always recoil a little when allegedly Christian people say things like this.

Anyone would think he'd done something incredibly nasty to someone you love, the way you carry on. Where's your love and charity?


Invite the guy in for a cup of tea then.


He is clearly a danger to this country and does not belong here.


Charity ends somewhere and none should be offered to a mad man hell bent on destroying our way of life and given the chance, killing my children and yours.

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2. If he's such a threat why didn't he have an "accident" ages ago ? Car accident, fall in front of a train, hell, he's in London what's wrong with an old fashioned stabbing following a botched robbery.
I've been wondering that exact same thing awhile...so, as usual, I 'followed the money' to try and find some sort of answer.


I guess it's easier to keep him alive as a readily-identifiable, easily-finger-pointed boogeyman, to continue driving/justifying anti-terror legislation that is forever and more impinging our civil liberties (yes, it is...regardless of whether you are a rabid nationalist, lentil-munching leftie or anywhere in-between), than to off him on the quiet and automatically face difficult knee-jerk questions/scrutiny from the media and make another high-profile martyr.


Not to mention - intel services will expectedly be crawling all over him/his relatives/his house (expectedly with more bugs in it than a square mile of equatorial jungle) while he's under HA, for whatever take there is to be had. A good enough reason to keep him breathing, I suppose.


That's not so much cynicism as hard-nosed politics, tbh.

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It shouldn't, actually, have been all that hard to find the information that he was imprisoned without charge.


To the best of my knowledge, eight years for not even having been accused of anything is a new record for the British legal system breaking its own laws.


So what's he on bail for if he has no conviction or charge?

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. . . . . . The last Briton held in Guantanamo is "falling apart at the seams" and could die without ever being charged with an offence or meeting his youngest son, his lawyer has said.


Clive Stafford Smith made the claims after visiting Shaker Aamer, a British resident who despite being cleared for release in 2007 has languished in the prison in Cuba for a decade without ever being charged.[/i]

Does anybody actually doubt that Mr Aamer was in Afghanistan supporting the Taliban?
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Yes, I know there's another thread about him, but I'm looking for a simple answer to the question what was Abu Qatada in prison for?

It's hard to find any information, but I suspect he was locked up without charge. I also know he's a bad person who holds the kind of intolerant views I would hate.


Just looking for information.


For crimes against satorial elegance.

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There was another bloke (Mohammed Hammid) jailed after the jury were shown footage of him paint balling and were convinced he was training terrorists to kill innocent people.


Was this covert footage taken by MI5?.. No!

It was parts of a documentary the BBC had made, they also funded and helped organise the trip.


His daughter (Yasmin Cass) reveals some interesting facts about what happened in this interview-



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