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Islamic preacher Abu Qatada extradition MEGATHREAD

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I've seen a few articles stating the biggest charge we could confidently secure a UK conviction on is incitement to murder which would be a maximum of 7 years and as he's already served more than that he'd be immediately released anyway, so we'd have an expensive trial for nothing.


The whole point is to get him out of the UK anyway, not have hime cost us even more money. Hopefully the Jordanians can do a deal that's acceptable and we'll just deport him then argue the appeal at the ECHR with him out of the country.


So release him and follow him until he says "kill a westerner" again-that gives us another 7 years:D


Also if you incite someone to murder 12 times don't you get charged for 12 offences?


Another thing I don't understand-if they have evidence he has commited an offence why hasn't he been charged anyway and if they don't have evidence why do they suspect him? Or is it that they have illegally obtained evidence or something?

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So release him and follow him until he says "kill a westerner" again-that gives us another 7 years:D


Also if you incite someone to murder 12 times don't you get charged for 12 offences?


You'd have thought so but seemingly not. Just like you get burglars asking for 200 other offences to be taken into account and they don't get extra time for it.


Anyhow he's wanted in Belgium for something or other, I say we just hand him over to them then he's their problem.

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Unless you know differently, I'd imagine because there's no evidence that he represents a risk to the children.
Oh just ours ? that's aright then.


So you don't think bringing kids up to believe something that would be detrimental to the society and world they are in is not abusing your parental responsibility ?


Right so all the citizen ship stuff, all that stuff we are told about multiculturalism benefiting our society goes out of the window then?


If this is not a good enough reason to go back to monoculturalism I do not know what is.

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I always recoil a little when allegedly Christian people say things like this.

Anyone would think he'd done something incredibly nasty to someone you love, the way you carry on. Where's your love and charity?

Yes the old 'Christians should know better' line. So you think a Christian society should show reserve and continually turn the other cheek as it where, while everyone else you would maintain have them have the right to attack you.


I tell you one thing, people who get smacked about the face long enough tent to wake up.

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whats he done/not done that you keep evading the question of what would you do with him?


I will answer for him seems as he is having a problem answering, probably because you won't like the answer.


Let him get on with it, let him call for you to be killed, let him have the right to his religious view that there is only one religion and everyone else on the Earth should be exterminated.


Everyone else should Just sit back and wait until its your turn.


The problem is we had a bloke like that in Europe once and we sat back too long until by the time anyone woke up to him it cost everyone too much.

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:help::help:The bombshell comes as 20,000 Sun readers backed our petition urging Mr Cameron to ignore European judges and kick the hate preacher out now.


Must be a good idea if 20,000 Sun readers are in favour.


20,000 Sun readers are probably in favour of bringing back hanging :hihi:

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