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Islamic preacher Abu Qatada extradition MEGATHREAD

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Maybe I'm just a nasty piece of work for wanting to see him handed over.... I would call that justice.... I would call Long Lartin a hole in my pocket to protect someone who wanted to kill me.


He will be released and he will never work, so who do you think is going to support him? maybe.... the very people he wishes to destroy?


Where is the justice to the British people in that I ask?


Just slot him and be done with it after all how many innocent lives has he either directly taken or indirectly taken? Terrorism should carry the death penalty along with being a nonser and murder anyway ( a nonser is a paedophile for those not from Sheffield)

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Europe's human rights judges have ruled Qatada cannot be deported to Jordan without assurances that evidence gained through torture will not be used in his upcoming terror trial.


Let's hope we get those assurances and Abu Qatada goes soon.

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Unlike the previous Govt whom wouldnt ever go against the EU Courts, Teresa May quite correctly, is moving heaven & earth to remove this excuse of a human being out of the UK.


At least someone has the balls to do it.

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Unlike the previous Govt whom wouldnt ever go against the EU Courts, Teresa May quite correctly, is moving heaven & earth to remove this excuse of a human being out of the UK.


At least someone has the balls to do it.


The last government did try to deport him but he won the HR ruling. It makes you wonder what the UK will have to forfeit by getting rid of him because someone will be on the make.


I think it will cause a bit of civil unrest because his supporters will be crying. No doubt there will be the usual banners, chanting and flag and effergy burning etc.

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The last government did try to deport him but he won the HR ruling. It makes you wonder what the UK will have to forfeit by getting rid of him because someone will be on the make.


I think it will cause a bit of civil unrest because his supporters will be crying. No doubt there will be the usual banners, chanting and flag and effergy burning etc.


Both France and Italy ignore EU HR rulings. Labour was so embedded to Europe it was a no/no.


I think Helseltine mentioned this also on Daily Politics today.

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It's only a short jump from ignoring the rules you don't like to ignoring the rules you do like.


I completely agree.......but we can also say that every rule is one day made to be broken. ;)



If the UK were to have a referendum on Abu today, he would be out of the UK rapido.


Sometimes we have to listen to the people, the majority and good ole fashioned common sense over judges in Europe.

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