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Islamic preacher Abu Qatada extradition MEGATHREAD

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i wonder if after all the fiasco about this moron being sent to jordon/not sent to jordon, will if it happens again things are in place to make sure they get it right first time and they are on the first available plane out of here :suspect: surely they cant make the same mistakes twice

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I take it you are totally unaware of the laws that forbid Asylum Seekers taking up employment, then?


He's a terrorist first and foremost and an asylum seeker thereafter!!!


If you feel so bad about injustice maybe you and your kind should pay the £3 million its cost up to now to have this islamic nutter in the country. I think thats the least you can do and whilst your at it see if you get the same respect in Iran or wherever because you will be in for a shock of massive proportions.


I pay my taxes just like everyone else however I'm disgusted that a nutter like this is given the namby pamby treatment because he's afraid of serving his life sentence in a country where he's guilty of terrorism.


On another point it states in the Koran that Jews and Christians should be treated with respect....of course thats why we are all infidels and deserve to die....you will be saying next that the Holocaust never happened just like that nutjob in charge of Iran and that the London tube bombings never occurred.


Utterly disgusted, maybe the yanks should just kidnap him one night and end this rediculous costly nightmare and at the same time evict his family from the 450,000 home, make them work or send them back simples!

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He's a terrorist first and foremost and an asylum seeker thereafter!!!


If you feel so bad about injustice maybe you and your kind should pay the £3 million its cost up to now to have this islamic nutter in the country. I think thats the least you can do and whilst your at it see if you get the same respect in Iran or wherever because you will be in for a shock of massive proportions.


I pay my taxes just like everyone else however I'm disgusted that a nutter like this is given the namby pamby treatment because he's afraid of serving his life sentence in a country where he's guilty of terrorism.


On another point it states in the Koran that Jews and Christians should be treated with respect....of course thats why we are all infidels and deserve to die....you will be saying next that the Holocaust never happened just like that nutjob in charge of Iran and that the London tube bombings never occurred.


Utterly disgusted, maybe the yanks should just kidnap him one night and end this rediculous costly nightmare and at the same time evict his family from the 450,000 home, make them work or send them back simples!



I defiantly feel this ,or something simular is the way to end this farce and get rid of this nutter. I personally dont care weather the Yanks take him in the middle of the night, or M15 or M16 make him permanently "Disappear" or The british authoritys give officials from Jordan his address so they can make him "Disappear" . There are many ways to get rid of this Islamic Terrorist ,so i cant understand as to why the British Government have spent years and millions of pounds messing about doing things through the courts. For god sake just get rid of him .It could be done tonight or tomorrow , it wouldnt be difficult, and put and end to this once and for all ,and put a stop to this idiot taking this country for a ride. Who cares how he disappears just as long as he does .

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I take it you are totally unaware of the laws that forbid Asylum Seekers taking up employment, then?


the law is an ass!! regarding asylum seekers, get rid of them we dont need them! we dont want them! and we certainly cant afford them! they bring nothing but trouble to this country and dont contribute in any way , they are supposed to go to the first country of sanctuary.....the UK is not it:roll:

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get rid of them we dont need them! we dont want them! and we certainly cant afford them! they bring nothing but trouble to this country and dont contribute in any way , they are supposed to go to the first country of sanctuary.....the UK is not it:roll:


Are you on about asylum seekers or apostrophes?

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the law is an ass!! regarding asylum seekers, get rid of them we dont need them! we dont want them! and we certainly cant afford them! they bring nothing but trouble to this country and dont contribute in any way , they are supposed to go to the first country of sanctuary.....the UK is not it:roll:


No, asylum seekers don't have to stop in the first country they come to, they are distributed, otherwise the burden of looking after them would always fall on the poor nations who happened to be neighbouring DR Congo, Syria etc etc.


Every country takes it's fair share of asylum seekers,


You say we can't afford them? We can afford them more than most other countries, if it didn't slip you memory we just wasted over £10million on a funeral.


Anyway, to get back on topic and away from xenophopic ravings about asylum seekers....I still don't see why he can't be prosecuted in this country if the government thinks he's done something wrong.


Their obsession with sending him to Jordan is the problem. Governments, home secretaries and judges have all said he is a dangerous man....so prosecute him! Do him for plotting terrorism, do him for association with terrorists, do him for conspiracy, if he's that much of a threat there must be evidence. I think they are scared of him standing up in a British court and giving evidence that could prove embarrassing to past and present governments and security services.

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Maybe if we stopped bombing their countries back to the stone age they wouldn't want to leave in the first place.


---------- Post added 24-04-2013 at 21:47 ----------


I defiantly feel this ,or something simular is the way to end this farce and get rid of this nutter. I personally dont care weather the Yanks take him in the middle of the night, or M15 or M16 make him permanently "Disappear" or The british authoritys give officials from Jordan his address so they can make him "Disappear" . There are many ways to get rid of this Islamic Terrorist ,so i cant understand as to why the British Government have spent years and millions of pounds messing about doing things through the courts. For god sake just get rid of him .It could be done tonight or tomorrow , it wouldnt be difficult, and put and end to this once and for all ,and put a stop to this idiot taking this country for a ride. Who cares how he disappears just as long as he does .


Why would they want to get rid of him for, he's doing a great job for them, they wouldn't want your anger and energy directed at them.

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I still don't see why he can't be prosecuted in this country if the government thinks he's done something wrong.



It is not our place to prosecute Abu Qatada for the alleged crimes he committed in Jordon; he should face their justice system and not ours. If I travelled to China and broke their laws I would expect to be tried in China, not here.


---------- Post added 24-04-2013 at 22:04 ----------


Maybe if we stopped bombing their countries back to the stone age they wouldn't want to leave in the first place.


We have to intervene in these countries to make them safe places, so that the people don't fear for their lifes and become refugees.

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