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Islamic preacher Abu Qatada extradition MEGATHREAD

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i think you should stop trying to be the Nanny! and wagging your finger at others, Jordan want qatada for a trial? we want him out of our country where he is a clear and proved danger to the UK he is also a drain on our public purse and has been for years.

we should respect Jordans laws and the extradition request and get him out, torture or no torture i dont really care, in fact he probably deserves a bit of pain......god know him and his ilk have caused enough:mad:


Fortunately plenty of others do.

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Fortunately plenty of others do.


I don't. These folk gave up any right to us respecting their human rights by their disregard for rights of others. There is a mutuality to this and the Geneva Convention.


I just want him out of the country and I no longer care for any rights to which you do gooders think he should still be entitled.

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So we protect everyone on the planet from their countries justice system or just the ones that manage to run away from justice.


Actually I didn't say that..what is more, you know I didn't.


Its sounds to me like we are claiming to be superior to Jordan because we have higher moral values,


You claim what you want but don't attribute that claim to others...unless you think morality and superior are synonymous.


and because we are superior and have these higher moral values we have the right to interfere in their laws and their ways. Its nice to be part of the superia race.:suspect:


The only thing that is suspect is you obsession with "superior".:suspect:


Torture isn't OK but we aren't the superior race and have no right to dictate how other countries operate their justice system, we should respect each country as an equal regardless of how barbaric we think they are.


No one has mentioned "superior". Anyone granted residency in this country is afforded the same luxury judicially as say someone like yourself..unless you think you're superior of course.:rolleyes:



If I broke the law in Jordon I would expect to be tried according to their rules and not our rules,


No you wouldn't unless you are a very stupid person. What criminals first thought in any country is their concern for anyone's rights?


we should not be a safe haven for every that run away from their countries justice.


That would depend on the term "justice". Legally we can take the moral highground where torture by removing finger nails is an action woven into their legal system. What you haven't replied to is the point of protecting a system we have which protects ALL on our soil...if the issue was Canada, Australia, France etc non of this would be an issue, he'd be gone. Our system isn't perfect but over many many centuries it's evolved to protect the individual. For some crazy reason non other than you don't like funny names, beards or some bullcrap about world population you want us to ditch that evolutionary history for the sake of one religious retard.


Torture can be both mental and physical and I would regard life in prison as mental torture. The thought of being locked up away from my family for the rest of my life is worse than death; I would rather have my finger nails pulled out.


No you wouldn't..you're just blowing off air or trying to sound like some poetic deva out for attention... otherwise you'd just pull your own out or commit suicide to avoid such "mental and physical" pain.

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I think that nobody should be delivered into the hands of a state that does not recognise the human right to not be tortured.


Right, so the issue for you isn't torture itself but having a law that says people have a human right not to be tortured, even if in reality they are, as in this country. So we send a message to the world that torture is wrong, unless its done discretely. And ideally on an island in the middle of nowhere. Can't see us be hailed as the global moral guardians on that basis but hey, we can give it a go.

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