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Islamic preacher Abu Qatada extradition MEGATHREAD

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No, they don't.


Amnesty does - ''Amnesty International continues to be concerned about torture and ill-treatment in detention in Jordan, as well as the link between torture, unfair trials, and the death penalty. Amnesty International has particular concerns about the application of the death penalty in Jordan because there is a pattern of death sentences, and sometimes executions, occurring as a result of unfair trials where confessions extracted under torture are used as evidence against the defendants. There has also been a pattern of suppression of freedom of expression and association, especially in the wake of laws restricting freedom of the press and expression that were promulgated in the fall of 2001.''

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A very, very silly post Halibutt. P999 has never stood on an tea-crate and condemned the west. He has never had links to terrorist training camps. This man is an absolute menace, and he should be shipped out, along with all his other fundamentalist cronies, and if he is tortured, then boo hoo for him. He makes a mockery of our country and yet it seems the courts wont allow him to go because he might be tortured or even worse. Even the Government want him out, knowing about the torture risk. Normal, sane human beings dont do what this animal did, and I for one couldnt give a toss what happens to him, as long as he is not here, brainwashing young men into hating the west as much as he does.

You should hang your head in shame for even thinking of defending him, just like the courts should.


You're ignoring one fundamental point..the argument isn't HIS rights..it's about RIGHTS..your rights, rights which protect you. If we change those basic rights to fit individuals because we don't like those individuals, where would you like it to stop?..an individuals right to vote? to stand on a soap box? to worship?


If we start chopping rights up then we have no moral right to stand in front of other nations with a pointed finger who abuse their citizens rights as well as abusing our own nationals rights...yes some of us travel to these dodgy areas..as do some of our children.


Jihadists spend pennies on the fight against the West, the west spends Trillions..your trillions, my trillions and now you want then to hand over your rights..for one man? If you do that your handing over everything we stand for and everything they don't.


You're right..I, like you, detest this excuse for a human, but I also detest many other individuals. Personally I hope Jordan comes around..that being the case and he gets put on a plane it may just send a message to any other hate freak wanted in their own country of origin that maybe the UK isn't the place to preach your hate.

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Amnesty does - ''Amnesty International continues to be concerned about torture and ill-treatment in detention in Jordan, as well as the link between torture, unfair trials, and the death penalty. Amnesty International has particular concerns about the application of the death penalty in Jordan because there is a pattern of death sentences, and sometimes executions, occurring as a result of unfair trials where confessions extracted under torture are used as evidence against the defendants. There has also been a pattern of suppression of freedom of expression and association, especially in the wake of laws restricting freedom of the press and expression that were promulgated in the fall of 2001.''


I was concerned about apartheit. I'm somewhat less concerned now. "Fall" if we're going to get all statesy 2001 was some time ago and just after 9/11.


Something a bit more up to date required.

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No, they don't.





Torture and other ill-treatment


Reports of torture and other ill-treatment of security detainees and criminal suspects continued. The authorities failed to institute adequate legal and other safeguards against such abuses.

In May, the UN Committee against Torture reiterated long-standing concerns at Jordan’s failure to investigate and prosecute allegations of torture, to provide adequate protection against torture, and to prosecute perpetrators in accordance with the seriousness of the crime. It noted the “numerous, consistent and credible allegations of a widespread and routine practice of torture and ill-treatment” including in General Intelligence Department (GID) and Criminal Investigations Department detention. The government did not respond to the Committee’s recommendations.

Charges against a police officer relating to an apparently unlawful killing were dropped when the victim’s family agreed not to pursue the case. Fakhri Anani Kreishan, who died in November 2009 after being attacked by police officers in Ma’an, was found at autopsy to have sustained a lethal head injury caused by a hard object. The police officer alleged to have delivered the blow remained on active duty.


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You're ignoring one fundamental point..the argument isn't HIS rights..it's about RIGHTS..your rights, rights which protect you. If we change those basic rights to fit individuals because we don't like those individuals, where would you like it to stop?..an individuals right to vote? to stand on a soap box? to worship?


If we start chopping rights up then we have no moral right to stand in front of other nations with a pointed finger who abuse their citizens rights as well as abusing our own nationals rights...yes some of us travel to these dodgy areas..as do some of our children.


Jihadists spend pennies on the fight against the West, the west spends Trillions..your trillions, my trillions and now you want then to hand over your rights..for one man? If you do that your handing over everything we stand for and everything they don't.


You're right..I like you, detest this excuse for a human, but I also detest many other individuals. Personally I hope Jordan comes around..that being the case and he gets put on a plane it may just send a message to any other hate freak wanted in their own country of origin that maybe the UK isn't the place to preach your hate.


All of which is why the best way to end this farce is for it to be arranged for him to disappear permanently, nice and quietly in the middle of the night. Im pretty sure the powers that be can easily arrange for Qutada to vanish never to be seen again. Problem solved without the need to listen to any more codswallop from the human rights nutters.

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All of which is why the best way to end this farce is for it to be arranged for him to disappear permanently, nice and quietly in the middle of the night. Im pretty sure the powers that be can easily arrange for Qutada to vanish never to be seen again. Problem solved without the need to listen to any more codswallop from the human rights nutters.


Yes, much better to listen to the state-sanctioned murder in the middle of the night nutters.


What a wonderful world they would create.

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All of which is why the best way to end this farce is for it to be arranged for him to disappear permanently, nice and quietly in the middle of the night. Im pretty sure the powers that be can easily arrange for Qutada to vanish never to be seen again. Problem solved without the need to listen to any more codswallop from the human rights nutters.



Rubs eyes and reads again.....


Looks up to see who the architect of the post is from..





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Torture and other ill-treatment


Reports of torture and other ill-treatment of security detainees and criminal suspects continued. The authorities failed to institute adequate legal and other safeguards against such abuses.

In May, the UN Committee against Torture reiterated long-standing concerns at Jordan’s failure to investigate and prosecute allegations of torture, to provide adequate protection against torture, and to prosecute perpetrators in accordance with the seriousness of the crime. It noted the “numerous, consistent and credible allegations of a widespread and routine practice of torture and ill-treatment” including in General Intelligence Department (GID) and Criminal Investigations Department detention. The government did not respond to the Committee’s recommendations.

Charges against a police officer relating to an apparently unlawful killing were dropped when the victim’s family agreed not to pursue the case. Fakhri Anani Kreishan, who died in November 2009 after being attacked by police officers in Ma’an, was found at autopsy to have sustained a lethal head injury caused by a hard object. The police officer alleged to have delivered the blow remained on active duty.



The dirty foreign swines. How could we possibly hand over someone to their kind if a bunch of whiny lefties say that about them?



Dude, we nicked a country, forcibly depopulated it, men women and children, and now rent it out as a torture chamber and have people of interest sent there so the cia can have enhanced interrogation chats with them while asking questions we gave them. If you were Jordanian would you not find your chest puffed out Bwittish Justice TM stance just a little hipocritical?

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Yes, much better to listen to the state-sanctioned murder in the middle of the night nutters.


What a wonderful world they would create.


No no no.....don't you understand the logic yet?..hasn't it sunk into that wish washy lefty liberal sandal wearing mung bean munching solar panel you have for a brain that state sanctioned murder is the way to fight religious sanctioned murder..and in the mean time all our right go down the sink?


You just aint wiv it man..you just aint.


Here..have a stick of celery.

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Amnesty does - ''Amnesty International continues to be concerned about torture and ill-treatment in detention in Jordan, as well as the link between torture, unfair trials, and the death penalty. Amnesty International has particular concerns about the application of the death penalty in Jordan because there is a pattern of death sentences, and sometimes executions, occurring as a result of unfair trials where confessions extracted under torture are used as evidence against the defendants. There has also been a pattern of suppression of freedom of expression and association, especially in the wake of laws restricting freedom of the press and expression that were promulgated in the fall of 2001.''

I notice you havent answered my question yet..Quelle surprise

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