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Islamic preacher Abu Qatada extradition MEGATHREAD

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No it doesnt, you are very wrong,we want to send him back that is what all the hoo hah is about ,its the human rights numpties that wont let us



I think we've arrived at this stage in the proceedings:hihi:


quote / “Rights go wrong when there are no wrongs that rights can right


---------- Post added 02-05-2013 at 15:33 ----------


Amnesty does - ''Amnesty International continues to be concerned about torture and ill-treatment in detention in Jordan, as well as the link between torture, unfair trials, and the death penalty. Amnesty International has particular concerns about the application of the death penalty in Jordan because there is a pattern of death sentences, and sometimes executions, occurring as a result of unfair trials where confessions extracted under torture are used as evidence against the defendants. There has also been a pattern of suppression of freedom of expression and association, especially in the wake of laws restricting freedom of the press and expression that were promulgated in the fall of 2001.''







The moral bankruptcy of Amnesty became apparent when they suspended Gita Saghal for raising concerns about their support of Moazzam Begg and Cage Prisoners.remember that halibut?

. It epitomised all that is wrong with the west-hating Left. The profound inability to make meaningful distinctions, the deranged propensity to condone violent human rights abusers because 'we're just as bad', the wilful disregard for oppressed people in order to prosecute its anti-western agenda,

The singular failure of this section of the Left has been its aligning with the standard bearers of human rights abuse.


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That could be a quote from Qatada himself.


What a load of absolute rubbish. "We cant send him back because he might be tortured" is the common thought amongst some of the loonies who have posted on this thread. "And we cant be seen to condone this" another spineless fart said.

Put it like this. If a certain fanatical individual came along, and blew your family to bits because his training camp taught him this skill, would you say "Hey, his human rights are more important than my desire to rip his balls off"?? I know I wouldnt say that, as I was hacking at his nuts with a blunt rusty penknife, and if any of the loony die hard human rights brigade were put in the same situation, they would feel the same, and to deny that would be more hypocritical than standing up for this piece of dog crap in the first place.

Just because I want to see this vermin sent to Jordan, and any of his followers too, whether they are tortured or not, dosent make me ANYTHING like this animal, but it does say that I have a resentment far greater than what I care about his rights, based on the fact that he is a terrorist supporter who gains pleasure by inciting hatred and terrorism against innocent men, women and children who live their lives peacefully and lawfully. But to say that his deportation should be done "nicely and within the law" is proof of the spineless society we live in today. Theresa May is bending over backwards to bring this man to justice, and if the supreme court refuse her application to have him deported, which look like they will, she is ready to have the law changed to kick this crap out. Now THAT isnt a spineless or anti-human rights.....that is how it SHOULD be done.

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What a load of absolute rubbish. "We cant send him back because he might be tortured" is the common thought amongst some of the loonies who have posted on this thread. "And we cant be seen to condone this" another spineless fart said.

Put it like this. If a certain fanatical individual came along, and blew your family to bits because his training camp taught him this skill, would you say "Hey, his human rights are more important than my desire to rip his balls off"?? I know I wouldnt say that, as I was hacking at his nuts with a blunt rusty penknife, and if any of the loony die hard human rights brigade were put in the same situation, they would feel the same, and to deny that would be more hypocritical than standing up for this piece of dog crap in the first place.

Just because I want to see this vermin sent to Jordan, and any of his followers too, whether they are tortured or not, dosent make me ANYTHING like this animal, but it does say that I have a resentment far greater than what I care about his rights, based on the fact that he is a terrorist supporter who gains pleasure by inciting hatred and terrorism against innocent men, women and children who live their lives peacefully and lawfully. But to say that his deportation should be done "nicely and within the law" is proof of the spineless society we live in today. Theresa May is bending over backwards to bring this man to justice, and if the supreme court refuse her application to have him deported, which look like they will, she is ready to have the law changed to kick this crap out. Now THAT isnt a spineless or anti-human rights.....that is how it SHOULD be done.


I disagree. I think it makes you very like Mr Qatada and his pals.


It says that you're prepared to cause terrible pain and suffering to others to satisfy your own needs and desires.


That's precisely what terrorists do.


PS - you say that to do things ''within the law'' is spineless. You really have a more in common with terrorists than you think. That's how they think.


You're too much testosterone and not enough talk - you want to solve complex problems with violence - another terrorist trait.

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I disagree. I think it makes you very like Mr Qatada and his pals.


It says that you're prepared to cause terrible pain and suffering to others to satisfy your own needs and desires.


That's precisely what terrorists do.


PS - you say that to do things ''within the law'' is spineless. You really have a more in common with terrorists than you think. That's how they think.


You're too much testosterone and not enough talk - you want to solve complex problems with violence - another terrorist trait.


Halibutt, its clear you are a supporter of this man, but you are seriously out of touch with the way other people think. Do you think that supporting him will bring you more friends? Nope, it wont, and if you read my post you would have seen that my wanten acts of ball removal would come into play should he maim one of MY loved ones. Terrrorists maim and kill the innocent, for no other reason than for pleasure. For you to not comprehend this only shows that unlike me, you can only see one side of the arguement. Alternatively, it could just be the fact that you assumed the "spineless fart" jibe was aimed directly at you....well if the cap fits......

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How do you account for the (relative) peace in Northern Ireland then?


I think you'll find that was achieved entirely through talks and debate.

If we were persuing your primitive (just like the Taliban and Al-Quaeda) ideology of a tooth for a tooth, we'd still be fighting and people would still be dying.


Thinking that Al-Qaeda can be compared to troubles in Northern Ireland demonstrates how little you understand.

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Halibutt, its clear you are a supporter of this man, but you are seriously out of touch with the way other people think. Do you think that supporting him will bring you more friends? Nope, it wont, and if you read my post you would have seen that my wanten acts of ball removal would come into play should he maim one of MY loved ones. Terrrorists maim and kill the innocent, for no other reason than for pleasure. For you to not comprehend this only shows that unlike me, you can only see one side of the arguement. Alternatively, it could just be the fact that you assumed the "spineless fart" jibe was aimed directly at you....well if the cap fits......


of course he is a supporter just see all his other posts, in fact why doesnt he just come out and say that "qatada is really a very nice man but seriously misunderstood due to his religious beliefs, and we should be soooooo understanding and chant to him there there there sooothing voice!!:rolleyes: whilst mopping his terrorist brow:roll:

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Halibutt, its clear you are a supporter of this man, but you are seriously out of touch with the way other people think. Do you think that supporting him will bring you more friends? Nope, it wont, and if you read my post you would have seen that my wanten acts of ball removal would come into play should he maim one of MY loved ones. Terrrorists maim and kill the innocent, for no other reason than for pleasure. For you to not comprehend this only shows that unlike me, you can only see one side of the arguement. Alternatively, it could just be the fact that you assumed the "spineless fart" jibe was aimed directly at you....well if the cap fits......



of course he is a supporter just see all his other posts, in fact why doesnt he just come out and say that "qatada is really a very nice man but seriously misunderstood due to his religious beliefs, and we should be soooooo understanding and chant to him there there there sooothing voice!!:rolleyes: whilst mopping his terrorist brow:roll:


The forum looneys are on another witch hunt it seems.

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Halibutt, its clear you are a supporter of this man, but you are seriously out of touch with the way other people think. Do you think that supporting him will bring you more friends? Nope, it wont, and if you read my post you would have seen that my wanten acts of ball removal would come into play should he maim one of MY loved ones. Terrrorists maim and kill the innocent, for no other reason than for pleasure. For you to not comprehend this only shows that unlike me, you can only see one side of the arguement. Alternatively, it could just be the fact that you assumed the "spineless fart" jibe was aimed directly at you....well if the cap fits......


SD, you're being a tad harsh there. Halibut and mike et al don't support this guy. They just have a lack of pragmatism when it comes to national security. Two very different things.

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of course he is a supporter just see all his other posts, in fact why doesnt he just come out and say that "qatada is really a very nice man but seriously misunderstood due to his religious beliefs, and we should be soooooo understanding and chant to him there there there sooothing voice!!:rolleyes: whilst mopping his terrorist brow:roll:


Says the man who has publicly stated that some rape victims should just be ignored.


Tell me how you think wanting to work within the law and opposing torture equates to supporting terrorism. Point to the posts where I've done so.


Of course you can't.


---------- Post added 02-05-2013 at 22:37 ----------


Halibutt, its clear you are a supporter of this man, but you are seriously out of touch with the way other people think. Do you think that supporting him will bring you more friends? Nope, it wont, and if you read my post you would have seen that my wanten acts of ball removal would come into play should he maim one of MY loved ones. Terrrorists maim and kill the innocent, for no other reason than for pleasure. For you to not comprehend this only shows that unlike me, you can only see one side of the arguement. Alternatively, it could just be the fact that you assumed the "spineless fart" jibe was aimed directly at you....well if the cap fits......


You clearly don't if you think it's all for fun - what a witless observation.

You cannot point to anything I've ever posted which suggests that I approve of terrorism. For you to pretend that I do says more about you than it does about me.

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What a load of absolute rubbish. "We cant send him back because he might be tortured" is the common thought amongst some of the loonies who have posted on this thread. "And we cant be seen to condone this" another spineless fart said.

Put it like this. If a certain fanatical individual came along, and blew your family to bits because his training camp taught him this skill, would you say "Hey, his human rights are more important than my desire to rip his balls off"?? I know I wouldnt say that, as I was hacking at his nuts with a blunt rusty penknife, and if any of the loony die hard human rights brigade were put in the same situation, they would feel the same, and to deny that would be more hypocritical than standing up for this piece of dog crap in the first place.

Just because I want to see this vermin sent to Jordan, and any of his followers too, whether they are tortured or not, dosent make me ANYTHING like this animal, but it does say that I have a resentment far greater than what I care about his rights, based on the fact that he is a terrorist supporter who gains pleasure by inciting hatred and terrorism against innocent men, women and children who live their lives peacefully and lawfully. But to say that his deportation should be done "nicely and within the law" is proof of the spineless society we live in today. Theresa May is bending over backwards to bring this man to justice, and if the supreme court refuse her application to have him deported, which look like they will, she is ready to have the law changed to kick this crap out. Now THAT isnt a spineless or anti-human rights.....that is how it SHOULD be done.


If Qatada (or anyone of his ilk) blew my family to bits I imagine I would be distraught, full of rage and desperate for revenge, which is why I would not be able to act in the dispassionatae way that civilised justice demands.


There is no place in justice for resentment.


I do not see how opposing torture and respecting the rule of law equates to being spineless. It often takes a great deal of courage to do the decent, honourable, principled and civilised thing in the face of more 'basic' and brutal voices.

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