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Output - a poem


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I’m running out of poetry, my poems seem so few

Some people churn out bucket loads – have they nothing else to do?

I’ll need to pull my finger out to keep up with the herd

Or exploit illegal immigrants and pay them by the word.

- Now there’s a plan that might succeed – I’m sure it’s not a crime,

I’ll set up a production line! - the Henry Ford of rhyme.

I’ll harvest creativity and reap poetic leanings

And naturally I’ll dock their wage for smut or double meanings.

The Poles can do the metaphors, Albanians the meter,

Somalians can fix the rhymes and make the scansion neater.

Of course I’ll be a kindly boss - they’ll sing my praise in chorus.

I’ll give them bread and water too and lend them my Thesaurus.

If I burst in unexpectedly and demand a witty quip

they’ll buckle down quite happily - I wouldn’t need my whip.

They’ll need to churn out 10 a day before they go to bed

and if this target isn’t met, their children won’t be fed.

Then soon I’ll be ubiquitous, my verses famed all over

despite obscure references to Lodz and Czestochowa.

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Brilliant stuff. I especially like the "Chorus/Thesaurus" rhyme!


The way I'm feeling with my writing at the moment (slough of despond) I'm inclined to nick your plan for myself :)


I thought the poem was very funny and topical.


Same here SK. I'm sure I saw tumble weed blow accross my screen earlier. This months project has either got everyone's heads down or they've abandoned ship.

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Nice one Nigel, really funny stuff, you do seem to churn them out.


This months project has either got everyone's heads down or they've abandoned ship.

It’s only the 10th and didn’t I hear something about a 50 pound first prize (that will get the pens squeaking) :hihi:

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