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What Makes You Nervous?

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As a sort of aside to the what do you do when you get nervous thread.


What makes you get nervous?


Me? Bog all.


I dont think Ive ever been nervous about anything, but im such a gobby, overconfident pig of a man that I wouldnt know nervousness if it booted me up the arris.


Besides, I tend to get my own way a lot, if theres something I dont like , I dont do it.


An example is the blood tests the doc keeps nagging me to have, I suppose I could go along to see what its like to poo my pants but I wont put myself in that position in the first place.


But enough of me babbling on about myself, even if I AM a fascinating hunk of a man, I want to know about YOUUUUUUUUUUU!



So tell me, tell me, or by Satans botty hairs Ill EAT YER PRIVET!

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i get really nervouse when im out in the pub and theres a massive que for the loo

cus i always wait till im desperate to go :loopy:

stand crossing my leggs head sweating with nerves cus ive lost count the number of times i never made it too the toilet in time:gag:

im literaly stood there s***ing myself cus am scared of weeing myself

stupid i know but there ya go x

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i get really nervouse when im out in the pub and theres a massive que for the loo

cus i always wait till im desperate to go :loopy:

stand crossing my leggs head sweating with nerves cus ive lost count the number of times i never made it too the toilet in time:gag:

im literaly stood there s***ing myself cus am scared of weeing myself

stupid i know but there ya go x


So instead of weeing yourself you poo instead:D


I get nervous going for vaccinations or blood tests:|

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