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What Makes You Nervous?

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Ive only ever been really nervous once, and that was the morning of my wedding day, i threw up for an hour solid!

Dont think it had anything to do with the bottles of wine me and my bridemaid drank the night before, and then shook it all up by dancing around the house until 4am!:gag::hihi:


The feeling of pure nervousness is horrible! Dizzy, dry mouth, butterflies in your tummy, blurred vision........still didnt have anything to do with the alcohol lol!:hihi:


Also s-p-i-d-e-r-s I have to spell the word because I cant say it without feeling yukkkkkkkkky!! :o

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'Women glow and men plunder' - according to the net, although there is one line that says 'beer does flow and men chunder'.

I always get a bit nervous when I start dragging someone else's thread off topic to talk about obscure one hit wonder songs.

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'Women glow and men plunder' - according to the net, although there is one line that says 'beer does flow and men chunder'.

I always get a bit nervous when I start dragging someone else's thread off topic to talk about obscure one hit wonder songs.


No need to be nervous about that. My threads are designed- INTENDED to wander.


Its what makes `em interesting!

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  • 2 years later...

This morning, I discovered a small (like the size of a plum or a nectarine) wasp's nest RIGHT OUTSIDE MY PATIO DOOR!!! OhgodohgodohGAWD. My husbands not here and I have to wait until dark to attempt to get rid of it. There is not enough money in the universe to get me to mess with those vicious critters in the daytime. The nasty little buggers must work fast because people go in and out of that door all the time and I swear it wasn't there over the weekend.


This is my plan: Cover myself up with old clothes, hiking boots, and swim goggles. Place a bucket of hot water directly under the nest, then knock it down with the loooonnnng pool brush. I was afraid at first, but now I'm getting angry and I'm prepared to do battle.


Does this sound like a plan or does anyone have any better suggestions or ideas?

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