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Best bars on West Street?


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Loving The old house at the moment, Washy and the Harley will get a look in if i can be bothered to walk that far. Like Bungalows & Bears despite me falling out with them the other week. Lounge still ok. Frog and Parrot, Common Room and Forum all ok. Dunno what's happened to Green Room in recent months though - it's gone seriously downhill! Shame as it used to be my absolute favourite place to go.

Can't think of anywhere apart from Lounge i like on West Street.

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I agree, what's awful about it? (Apart from the steps down to the toilets!)


They do good drinks, it's smart and clean (including the loos), they tend to play good music, they're open late. My only complaint is it mainly has an erm... older croud. ;) (Well older than me anyway)

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