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Planning application for new houses being built in Treeton

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  • 1 year later...

Yes this post was 3 years ago and the houses are now in the process of being built and some are completed. I live in Treeton and have done all my life and we DO NOT want to become "Sheffielders" thats just a plain silly comment! The main problem with building the new estate ( 500 new homes ) and now a further 92 new homes is that the Council...including our own Parish Council...haven't considered extending Treeton school and now many of our kids are being turned away or made to travel to other villages. Most of the village is opposed to children not being able to attend their own village school and we are doing everything we can think of to get this problem sorted NOW!

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Sounds just like another NIMBY to me. I'm better than you .... etc


For those of you who dont know, "NIMBY" stands for "Not In My Back Yard" well Mecky why should children who live in the village not be able to attend the VILLAGE school? Why did the Council/school/church ( its a church of England school ) not have the foresight to see that the introduction of nearly 600 new homes would mean an increase in the number of children wanting to attend said VILLAGE school? I have nothing against the parents or children on the new estates but theres far more to it than you actually know so I really dont think you're in a position to make such pathetic remarks. By the way, I dont think I'm better than anyone but I DO believe children should be entitled to attend the school that is in their own village.

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