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What is Corporation like?


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Corporation is terrible. Please do not misunderstand me here, I've got no problems at all with rockers, goths, metalers, or any combination of cyber-techno-retro-future-goth-death-grindcore or anything, some of it's really good and I for one would like to see and go to more places where strange music and strange people are the norm.

It's just that it seems (to someone like me who doesn't go looking) that there's hardly anywhere except corp for any of these folks or this music to go, and the place is a total joke.

The other night I went with some friends, I've been there before and thought it was a bit crap, but allowed myself to be persuaded by the 'yeah, it's a bit crap, but it'll be a laugh' kind of argument.

My friends went in before me, so it was too late to try a last minute change of plan when I discovered they wanted SIX QUID to get in - yeah you read it right - they wanted ME to pay THEM £6 for the dubious honour of being allowed into their horrid venue.

A further £1.50 to put my coat in the cloakroom meant I'd already been relieved of £7.50 before even buying a drink, when I went to do so I was not impressed.

The drinks available in there are not of a very high quality, having looked at what was on offer I was leaning toward not buying anything, but thinking 'I'll be here for a while, I might as well have a drink or two and do my best to enjoy myself' (ha) I ordered a double Jack Daniel's and coke - £3.00.

I was then amazed to see the girl serving me turn to a line of plastic glasses on the bar, all of which already had some kind of brown liquid in them, and top one of these up with coke - I have no idea whether this was actually Jack Daniel's, as I didn't see it come out of a branded bottle, but whatever it was, there was certainly no alcohol in it, as it had been sat evaporating away on the bar for some time. I'm no expert on this kind of thing, but surely this is illegal?

Anyway, having been thoroughly ripped off, I then checked the place out, and was depressed by what I found. The place was half empty, the DJ in the big room downstairs kept talking over the music, not that anything he said was remotely intelligible, and I got a very strong impression that the people who were there only attend the place because there's NOWHERE ELSE to go, which over time has mutated into some kind of bizzare, tragic loyalty, no one seemed excited or happy to be there (yeah I know a lot of them were goths, but all the same) and people seemed to be drinking the overpriced, alcohol-free ripoff "booze" just to try and numb themselves against the fact that it had come to this: they'd gone to corp. (shudder)

Don't ever go there. It's terrible. Please, please, someone open some new place that's good.

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My friends went in before me, so it was too late to try a last minute change of plan when I discovered they wanted SIX QUID to get in - yeah you read it right - they wanted ME to pay THEM £6 for the dubious honour of being allowed into their horrid venue.

A further £1.50 to put my coat in the cloakroom meant I'd already been relieved of £7.50 before even buying a drink, when I went to do so I was not impressed.

I ordered a double Jack Daniel's and coke - £3.00.

I was then amazed to see the girl serving me turn to a line of plastic glasses on the bar, all of which already had some kind of brown liquid in them, and top one of these up with coke - I have no idea whether this was actually Jack Daniel's, as I didn't see it come out of a branded bottle,


Ok, here we go...


On some nights, yes, it is £6 entry IF YOU ARRIVE AFTER MIDNIGHT, although you can get in for about a quid between 9.30-10pm, and 3 or 4 quid 10-12.


The cloakroom is indeed £1.50, although worth it to save you're coat getting covered in beer/ sweat etc...you don't have to use this service if you don't want.


As for the spirits, i have no doubt in my mind that the drink you got was the one you ordered.

On certain nights, some spirits sell much faster than other drinks due to offers (Sat-dbl JD+Coke £3.00), and to save time and get people served quicker, some staff will pour a few JD's in advance, adding the coke when the drink is ordered, in the same way a sandwich shop will often have ready made/part made sandwiches ready for busy periods)

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A further £1.50 to put my coat in the cloakroom meant I'd already been relieved of £7.50 before even buying a drink, when I went to do so I was not impressed.


Not a proper Northerner. We don't wear coats on nights out.



I have no idea whether this was actually Jack Daniel's, as I didn't see it come out of a branded bottle, but whatever it was, there was certainly no alcohol in it, as it had been sat evaporating away on the bar for some time. I'm no expert on this kind of thing, but surely this is illegal?


Surely you can tell the taste of Jack Daniel's?

I'll have to try the trick of leaving my spirits out on a bar for a while. Didn't know it got rid of all the alcohol by evaporation. Wonder if it will stand up in court if I drive home afterwards?




It was better before it relocated tho.

And it has always amazed me that just because you're a goth/emo/punk/lopper etc, it means you aren't able to p*ss into a trough or flush a lav.

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