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Where to fish river don and rother

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River Don:

Salmon pastures. At the top in the shallows you'll find loads of Grayling. In the middle you will find Chub, Roach, Trout, Bream and the odd small barbel. At the bottom, mainly Roach and Trout.


River Rother:

At the side of the bottom lake in Rother Valley. This is the only place i have fished but i pulled loads of Roach and Perch to 1 1/2 Lb.


If you need advice on (my) tactics, just yell :)

Hope this helps ;)

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I'm posting this (it may give other anglers some ideas) as well as replying to your pm AndyWilby.


I like to use the same tactics all the way down Salmon Pastures.

I use a 3-4 lb mainline with a .14 (ish) bottom. I use a small clear bodied 'Chubber' float approx 4 or 5 BB in size. Don't worry about the float being heavy, the fish in Salmon Pastures are not shy. I mainly use maggot, but worm and sweetcorn have all been used too.


First i would start right at the top of Salmon Pastures where the water is running through fast and only about 1 1/2 - 2 feet deep. A few maggots every run through soon has the Grayling flowing. I have had them up to a pound and they fight like hell in the fast water. After a while you will find the Roach moving in and then you're in for a couple of hours of fun! .


Then i move down approx 200 meters. Look for a small (about 3 foot) section of wall lying in the edge of the water. Stand where this wall is and trot down using the same tactics (don't forget to plumb the depth). This section is only about 50 meters long but about half way down (You'll see the current change) there are 3 or 4 nice Chub for the taking (I had one at 4 lb) and in the edge where the water is virtually still i have had Bream as well.


I then roam up and down the rest of the section taking trout (Up to 4 lb) and roach (up to 1 lb) and Perch (1 lb).




Good luck......

Vidster :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by vidster

River Don:

Salmon pastures. At the top in the shallows you'll find loads of Grayling. In the middle you will find Chub, Roach, Trout, Bream and the odd small barbel. At the bottom, mainly Roach and Trout.


Where is "Salmon pastures" ? :huh:

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Ahh, there's the problem. I'm useless with road names but i'll have a go.


From town, go along the Wicker and bare right at the lights (Viaduct). Carry on and the road turns right and you end up at a junction with about 4 or 5 roads leading off it. Take the road bang opposite that looks like a back street and approx 200 meters down you will find the entrance to the 'Five Weirs Walk'. Walk approx 100 meters down the path and you can get to the bank side ;).


From Bernard Rd, Heading away from Hyde Park, Go past the incinerator to the roundabout. Take your second turn off and go to the end of the road. Turn right (over the Don). Take your immediate right and the entrance to the 'Five Weirs walk' is approx 100 meters down the road.


Sorry for the useless directions :(. I'll try and find a map and post the link ;).

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another good place to fish the don is at stevenson rd at attercliffe just past the scrapyard its on the five weirs walk nice sandy bank i used maggot feeder and pulled trout out to abt 1llb chub 3llb barbel 2llb tight lines matey hope this is of help to you steve....:thumbsup:

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Originally posted by steevie/d

another good place to fish the don is at stevenson rd at attercliffe just past the scrapyard its on the five weirs walk nice sandy bank i used maggot feeder and pulled trout out to abt 1llb chub 3llb barbel 2llb tight lines matey hope this is of help to you steve....:thumbsup:


I agree!. This is the other place i was going to recommend but i didn't know what it was called.


I fish with the scrapyard to my back about 200 meters down from the weir. The river is not very wide here and the extra depth makes it ideal for feeder fishing ;).

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